Chapter(F O U R T Y T H R E E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I glared over where Jimin and that kid sat, laughing happily together. I'm utterly disgusted by the sight. Who does he think he is leaning towards Jimin so closely. Does he not know what personal space is? He's probably making Jimin so uncomfortable, even though he's smiling I can tell that deep down he's just as disturbed as I am.

"Jungkook!", I snapped my head towards my whining girlfriend.

"Yes, what'd you say?"

She pouted, "I was asking you if you wanted to go to the mall with me this weekend"

"I'm busy", I said, hovering my attention over Jimin's table. I wonder what they're talking about. Could they be talking about me? Are they making fun of me? I bet the new guy is, I bet he's jealous of Jimin and I's relationship.

"Please Jungkook! We haven't hung out in a while and it feels like we're not in a relationship. Lately you haven't been the attentive boyfriend you once were", she complained as her high toned voice pierced my ears. Everytime she whines her voice raises ten octaves.

"I'll have to see if I can clear my schedule", I said, earning another high pitched whine. I wanted to cover my ears and stride away. I absolutely hate it when she whines. She went back to talk with her equally as annoying high toned friends.

As I observed Jimin and the new guy, I heard my stuff get shoved to the floor. I adverted my attention away from Jimin and to the person who was rude enough to do that. No surprise it's the schools jackass and his friends once again here to eat with Jennie. I picked up my stuff from the floor and sent him a glare.

"That was very unnecessary of you", I said as Jinyoung bent down and hugged Jennie. He scoffed, shoving me over as he sat in between Jennie and I. His friends sat on the opposite side. "Shit-face", I mumbled under my breath.

"Huh, Jungkook? Speak louder I didn't hear you", he snarled, shoving my arm.

"Jinyoung be nice, please", Jennie begged, rubbing his arm.

"Why should I be nice to a punk who can't keep his mouth shut"

"Jinyoung don't let Jungkook words get to you"

Why does she always help and defend him when I'm her boyfriend. Whenever he comes around she acts like I'm nonexistent. It's irritating how she complains about me not acting like a boyfriend when she can't even act like a decent, loyal girlfriend. I wonder if she's aware of her actions. If I didn't know any better I would've thought they were a couple instead.

I made my attention back over to Jimin, but sadly saw that he was getting ready to leave the cafeteria. I sighed, going on my phone to entertain myself. As I was playing a game on my phone I overheard Jinyoung comment something to Jennie.

"Look at the twink over there", he said, pointing over to Jimin. I rolled my eyes, going back to my phone. "What a bitch boy". I snapped my head up at him, slamming my hand down on the table.

"What did you say?", I asked, questioning if I heard him correctly.

"No one was talking to you"

"Well I'm talking to you and I'm asking you to repeat what you said about my friend"

"Who, Jimin?"

"If that's who you were talking about then yes"

He glanced at Jimin then at me with a smirk on his face. "Did I say something wrong? I mean all I said is that he's a little-"

"Jinyoung stop", Jennie whispered.

"No finish your sentence", I glowered, inching closer to him.

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