Chapter (T H I R T E E N)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I flipped through the DVD's to see what type of movie I'm in the mood for. I ignored the ruckus behind me and hummed to myself. I turned around and asked Cutie what he was in the mood for. "I don't care", he replied, typing on his phone not interested. He's been asking for us to leave since we arrived. I don't want to leave yet though.

Not caring for what to watch anymore, I picked a random movie and placed it the DVR. I placed the case on top of the DVR and stood up. I sighed, walking over to the fighting idiots.

"Okay this needs to stop!", I said, snatching the bag of chips from Tae, handing it back to Yoongi. I turned to Jin and smacked him upside his head. "Jin you know how Yoongi feels about his food, just order another damn pizza!". I turned to Tae, "Tae for goodness sakes, I don't know, set up some snacks for us for the movie!", Tae giggled and nodded, going into the kitchen.

"As for you two, come and sit down to watch the movie", Jin and Suga nodded and walked over to the couch. As I walking in front of them I heard someone slip and fall.

"Ouchie!", Jin cried out, rubbing his butt. At this point I'm not surprised that he slipped on his pizza slice. I shook my head in disappointment and sat down.

Yoongi laughed hysterically, "Ha, loser! That's karma for trying to take ma' food! Karma's a b-i-t-c-h!", he said, emphasizing the spelling of bitch. He almost toppled over on Jin as he laughed harder. I rolled my eyes. I'm absolutely done with them.

The movie started and everybody was finally situated. Jin ended up ordering more food and we all had snacks around us as we watched the movie. Yoongi, Tae, and Jin sat on the couch, while Jungkookie and I sat on the floor. Throughout most of the movie I was only focused on Cutie. The way he laughed at the dumb scenes that nobody else found funny.

The way his adorable, bunny like smile gleamed, followed by his glistening brown eyes. I personally didn't find the movie funny at all, but I couldn't help laugh when he laughed. Towards the end of the movie everybody was passed out cold, including Jungkookie, who rested on my shoulder.

I smiled as I heard his light breathing. When the movie was officially over I slowly got up and grabbed blankets for everybody. I turned the TV off and pulled out my phone. I called one of my assistants. "Hello, did my father bring his clothes? Okay good, can you bring me a pair? I'll send the address, thank you", I hung up and waited.

A few minutes later passed and the clothes came. I carefully undressed Jungkookie and put on his new clothes. I folded his old clothes and placed them next to the couch. I made him a nice bed pattern on the floor with most of the blankets and laid him down. I got the fluffiest blanket and laid it over him.

Since I used up all of Tae's blankets I had to use my Jacket for warmth. I could climb under the blanket and sleep with Cutie. Imagine how his face would look in the morning, but I value my life. I grabbed a pillow and curled up into a somewhat warm ball.

"Sweet dreams, Jungkookie", I whispered, falling asleep myself.

I stepped inside the door with Jungkookie's breakfast smoothie. It seemed that he didn't like the last flavor I got him so I got him a banana one. I took my shoes off and was instantly greeted by Jungkookie. Not the happy him either. He pushed me against the wall and glared at me.

"Woah, Cutie if you wanted to get all hot and personal all you had to do was ask", I said, leaning in for a kiss. He made a disgusted face like always and moved away from me.

"What did you do to me last night?! Don't leave out any details!", he shouted and I stood there confused on what he was talking about.


He pointed at his body, "My clothes are different! I asked your friends if they changed me and they said they didn't! So that means you did this! What did you do to me huh? Kiss me? Took me against my will?", he said all at once and I couldn't to laugh.

"Yes Cutie, I took you against your will even though your actions last night says differently. The way you were clinging onto to me to go faster. 'Yes Jimin faster'!", I laughed, teasing him. He didn't find my joke funny and grabbed my collar. He balled up his fists and brought me closer to his face.

"Excuse me, what?!", he snarled, ready to punch me. I gulped, feeling scared. I can't let him ruin this beautiful face. The world would go insane! I would go insane!

"Hold up, I was kidding. We didn't do anything. Believe me you would know if we did", I said and he loosened his grip. I removed his hand and straightened out my shirt.

"And trust me I'm a whole ass bottom", I said and he scrunched up his face.

"A what?"

"Never mind. I got you a morning smoothie". I said, giving him the drink and he shook his head.

"I don't want it, the last one you gave me sucked"

"This one is a new flavor, try it"

He sighed, taking a sip of it. He swallowed it and rolled his eyes, taking another sip. I smirked, seeing as he does indeed enjoy it. He drank more almost devouring the whole thing at once.

"I think I deserve a 'Thank you Jimin' "

"Fuck you"

"Gladly, it's about time"

"Shut up"
Enjoy Lovelies

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