Chapter (E I G H T)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I snuggled into my bed sheets and turned over on my side. I hummed at the warmth of my bed. I yawned, falling into a sweet slumber. I was about to go into a deep sleep when I heard someone knock on the door. I dismissed it, thinking my dad was going to answer it. I guess he didn't want to get up either and allowed the person to repeatedly knock.

I groaned, calling for my dad, "Dad! Someone is knocking at the door!". Silence. "Dad!Answer the door!". Silence. "Please! I have extreme diarrhea so I can't get it!". Still no answer.

That son of a-

I kicked the blankets off me and stomped out of my room. I made my way to the front door as the persons knocking got louder. "Rude! I could've actually been pooping!", I screamed out, hearing my dad's laughter fill the room.

"I'm pretty sure I would've heard you!", he responded and I shook my head.

The knocking soon turned into pounding. "Hold the fuck up damn!", I said, answering the door.

"Language, Jungkook!", my dad said and I apologized back. I opened the door and saw the two biggest idiots. Well, without myself included.

"What do you guys want?", I yawned out, still feeling extremely tired. They both smiled and pushed me out the way, entering my home. Damn, everybody is so rude today! Just barge in why don't ya!

"It's bingo night!", Namjoon said, happily, clapping his hands together. J-Hope smacked him upside his head, hurting him. Bingo night?! My goodness, my friends and I have no real life. "No were not going to bingo night!", J-Hope said, eyeing Namjoon. Namjoon rubbed his sore head.

"C'mon it's bingo night for the seniors!", Namjoon begged and J-Hope and I gave him a disappointed stare. What friend asks to go to Bingo Night!? Tell me who? Namjoon, that's who. I'm so disgruntled with my friend choice. "No, Namjoon we already discussed this. It's bowling night!", I was with J-Hope until he said bowling.

I sighed, leaving them both to argue with each other. I went and got my shoes. At this point I don't care about what we do. I left them and went to my dads room to tell him I'm leaving. I knocked on the door and he permitted me inside. "Hey, dad I'm heading out with friends", I told and he smiled, walking over to me.

He hugged me, tightly. What the heck is going with him? He's been doing this for the past week. I heard him sniffle and I pulled away from him to see him about to cry. "Dad, what's wrong? Why have you been acting strange lately? It's scaring me", I asked and stayed quiet for a second.

"Don't worry about me I'm fine. Go have fun. Text me when you get there and what place you went to", he said, hugging me one last time before pulling away.

"Uhm, okay. Why?", I asked and he patted my shoulder.

"Oh I just want to know where you are so that I know you're okay", he muttered and I had a feeling that he's lying or hiding something. This week was probably not his week or something.

"Uhm, okay I guess. I'll see you later", I said, walking out of the room.

"Love you!"

I looked back and grinned, "You too".

I stepped up to Namjoon and J-Hope and we left to go bowling. During the car ride, I couldn't help but feel nervous. This week has been weird with my father and it's making me feel eerie. I ousted the thought and leaned back against the seat and enjoyed the ride.

We got out the car and went inside the bowling arena. We signed in and got our bowling supplies. I don't want to brag, but I'm practically a pro at bowling nobody was ever able to beat me. I'm forever unbeaten! J-Hope went first, basically throwing the ball instead of rolling it. That's no surprise. He sucks at bowling.

Namjoon isn't the best either, seeing that he almost broke the ceiling with his ball. They had to put the gutters up for him again. He almost broke those too. I'm shocked he hasn't broke the ball. I swear he's God of Destruction!

I snickered at them both and when it was my turn I made a perfect strike like always. There was only one time I made a spare. That was because J-Hope tried jumping on my back for me to lose with him. He doesn't like losing so he plays unfair every time. When bowling was over and I won of course, it was time for us to go home.

I realized that I forgot to tell my dad where I was. I was calling him when a random car pulled up in front of my friends and I. We backed up, not trusting this. My dad picked up the call and before I could say anything he spoke. "Jungkook, I know what you're going to say but I need you to get in the car", he demanded, sounding anxious.

I glanced at the car in confusion. "Why?"

"Jungkook, just do what I say"

"Why do I need to get in a random car with a random man?"

"Jungkook, you won't be coming home tonight"

"What? Why?"

"Please just listen to me. I'll explain everything when you get there!", he said, raising his voice. I looked at Namjoon and J-Hope and they were farther away from the car, signaling me to back away.



I flinched, shutting my mouth. I looked back at Namjoon and J-Hope and told them that my dad ordered me ride home. They made sure I was alright before leaving.

"Okay, I'm in the car. Where are they taking me?", I said, scared of what's exactly happening at the moment.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook"

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now