Chapter (F O U R T E E N)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I leaned against the wall with Tae as we talked. Lunch was going on right now and I didn't feel like being in that loud crowd. Him and I skipped most of our classes today and we not going to bother with going to the last one.

"So that Jungkook kid...", I removed my attention from my phone and hummed, telling him to continue. "He seems mean. I don't like people who's mean to you", he said, pulling me close to him. I giggled, pushing him away.

"He's only acting like that because I won't leave him alone", I said, chuckling.

"I don't know Minie, I don't want him to hurt you physically and emotionally. Which means don't push his buttons and don't get attached!", he said, sternly, pointing his finger at me. I rolled my eyes. I don't get attached to anybody. Like I said before I've never had a crush to begin with.

I never truly felt a connection with someone. The game that I play does not involve personal feelings. I also don't do in denial guys they're too much of a hassle. They're the ones that will certainly break your heart.

"Tae, don't worry about me okay. I'm not going to get attached. You know me, I'm not the type of person who deals with any type of emotional connections with someone", I said and Tae sighed, grabbing my shoulders for me to face him directly.

"Good, but also not good. Jimin, don't you ever in your life want to meet someone who you truly care for and they care for you? Don't you want to grow old with the love of your life? Or watch your future kids grow up with the man you love?", I placed my hand over his mouth to get him to stop talking this nonsense.

"All this talk about love is going to make me barf. Tae you and I both know that I don't have the patience for love. Love takes time, time that I don't want to waste on one simple human"

"You're never going to change are you?"

"Nope! And actually today I'm going to a party, and I'm going to meet a sexy dude there and you know maybe have a little fun", I said, nudging Tae's side. He chuckled moving away from me.

"To be honest, I'm surprised you don't have AIDS"

"Protection sweetie, it's all about the latex"

"Whatever Jimin, you do you. Oh and do you have more blue nail polish I need to repaint my nails", he said, showing his chipped blue nails that matched his bright blue hair. I nodded and the bell rang, signaling that lunch is officially over. A whole bunch of kids piled up in the halls and I was greeted by a whole bunch of thirsty students.

A bunch of guys and girls came up to me, mostly girls. The girls with the biggest boobs I've ever seen in my life shoved their way through. They practically climbed up my body with their hands running all over my body. "Okay, okay calm yourselves. Hands off the merchandise!", I felt highly disgusted and was dragged away by Tae. I swear I felt someone grab onto my hair.

I'm pretty sure I have a patch now!

That was too much boob back there! Lady parts nauseate me

Thanks to Tae we made it outside alive. People don't realize how hard it is being this naturally gorgeous! It's really tiring!

"Hey wanna go somewhere to eat? I am hungry since we missed lunch", he suggested and I agreed. I am kinda hungry too. School food sucks! I might as well eat a rotten, dead rat it'll probably taste the same or even better!

I checked myself out in the mirror and saw a sexy person staring back at me. Wow I have an amazing reflection! I did a whole 360 spin and just admired myself. Yes it is hard being good looking, but it's also a blessing! I ended up doing a whole runway show for myself and everyone was cheering me on.

"Yes Jimin! Get it queen! Can I touch your hand!", I cheered out loud.

"Jimin let me have your signature!"

"You're so handsome! I'll give you my kid for one hug! Jimin notice me-"

"What the fuck are you doing?", I got startled by the sudden voice. I turned and saw that it was Jungkookie leaning against my door frame.

"Having a runway show, duh!", I said in an obvious tone. He scoffed, pushing himself off the door.

"You're that conceited? That's sad. Anyway, I came up here to tell you that your chef made us dinner", he told and waved my hand.

"Tell Yoonjae that he can throw my plate away. I'm going out tonight"

"You are?"

"Yes that's why I look better than usual if that's even possible"

"Uh huh, where are you going?"

"Party, wanna join?", I asked and he shook his head.

"Nah, I don't do parties", he said and I scoffed.

"You're such a nerd", I said and walked out of my room. I strutted downstairs and checked my watch.

"I rather be a nerd than a bigheaded dumbass", he retorted and I laughed.

"Oh Cutie, what a mouth you've got there", I said, walking out the door and I saw my limo driver pull up. I told him where to go and I arrived at the party. The house had flashing lights, loud music and drunk teens laid everywhere. Oh this gonna be fun.

Enjoy Lovelies

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