Chapter(T W E N T Y T H R E E)

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Jimin's P.O.V

Four days has passed of me trying hard not to seem gloomy. Everyday my friends are asking me if I'm alright and I keep giving them the same answer. I've been trying to ignore the day that's coming up in less than three days, but every time I'm alone she clouds my thoughts. I despise this month with a passion. I'm not myself when this month comes around.

I can't wait til it's over so I can go back to being my happy, gorgeous self. I walked down the hall to my class that I truly do not want to attend. I don't feel like getting another detention or suspension. While I was heading there I bumped into someone. I was going to cuss the person out for not watching where they were going until I saw who it was.

"My bad", I said, giving him a small smile. I went to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist. I got goosebumps from the warm touch of his hands. For the past few days we've been trying to avoid each other, even though we live under the same roof.

"Jimin are you okay?", he asked, pulling me closer to him. My heart sped up at the proximity between us. He noticed and stepped back a bit to create distance.

"Sure, why wouldn't I be?", I chuckled, lowly.

"You've been acting different and it's bothering me", he said and I tilted my head in confusion.

"How so?"

"Well, you're barely home and when you are you're curled up in your bed like a sad, homeless dog. You walk around with a sad smile on your face and you don't greet me the same", the last part of his sentence formed a smirk on my face.

"What do you mean I don't greet you the same?", I asked, inching closer to him. The halls were already empty so no one would see us. For some reason I've missed teasing him and seeing his flustered face even after what he said a few days ago. He backed up to the lockers and held out his arm to keep me back.

"I mean-y'know what I mean", he said as his cheeks and ears turned bright pink. My smirk deepened and I moved his arm down. I placed my hand on his neck and trailed my way down to his chest. I locked eyes with him and brought my hand back to his face. I ran my fingers across his cheeks, jawline, and lastly his lips.

I'm actually shocked on how he's letting me do this. I like testing his limits sometimes. Specifically when he so entranced by my beauty that he doesn't know what to do with himself. I tend to have that affect on most boys and girls. Mostly boys of course.

"Oh Jungkook are you saying that you've missed me?", I teased, bringing my face closer to his, our lips centimeters away from touching. I'm so tempted to actually kiss him in this very moment. He glanced down at my lips and licked his too.

"It's okay to admit it because if I'm being honest I missed our special interactions too".

"N-No way in hell!", he said, pushing me away as usual. I stumbled back and laughed, suddenly thinking back to the incident at the restaurant. I didn't want to recreate that scene so I stopped. My smile faded and I realized that class has already begun. I don't want him getting in trouble so I turned to leave, but he stopped me again.

"Wait, Jimin". I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to tell me what he needed.

"Yeah?", I asked and he looked off in the other direction. He rubbed the nape of his neck and mumbled something I couldn't understand. "What did you say?"

"Would you like....", he trailed off in mid sentence.

"Jungkook speak up would you? I can't understand you", I said, losing interest.

"Would you like to go the movies with me tomorrow?", he asked, nervously not making eye contact with me. I almost choked on my own spit from what I heard come out of his mouth. My jaw dropped and I couldn't tell if I was hallucinating or not.

Has he lost his damn mind? Or have I lost my damn mind?

"Stop drooling you pervert I'm only asking because I can't deal with you moping around all of the time. It's been a depressing sight to see", he said, still not making eye contact with me. I smiled at his shyness.

"Okay, but why don't you just watch a movie in the cinema room at home?", I asked, raising my eyebrows. That would make more sense than going out and spending money. I'm down to go out too though.

"Uhm, cause it's better to go out I guess...I'm trying to apologize here and your making it difficult. Yes or No on going out with me tonight?", he demanded, getting irritated.

"This sounds like a date"

"No it's not! Stop making false assumptions"

I laughed at him and glanced around to see if a single person was around. When I saw that there absolutely wasn't, I quickly gave him a sly kiss on the cheek. I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself. I sped away before he could react and I already know he's fuming.

I giggled as I heard him shout, "Jimin you son of a-"

"See you later Cutie!", I yelled back, smiling to myself. Him asking me out on a date made me feel giddy inside. Maybe we're finally getting somewhere in our relationship. Or whatever you would like to call us. I'm glad he's finally coming to a sense of acknowledging his feelings for me.

The point that he thought about how I felt for the past few days means that he actually does care. And that I occasionally cross his mind. He's just too damn stubborn to say it. But I'm perfectly fine with that. You know what they say 'Actions speak louder than words'. And so far he's giving me hope of him feeling the same way as I do.

After school I'm going to get him a small gift for our date. It'll be kinda be hard since I don't know what to get him. He usually doesn't like anything that I get him. I shouldn't ponder about it too much I'll figure something out.

Enjoy Lovelies

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