How to get RID OF Groundhog Day

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April 9, 2019

So the real question is, how do make it so that we don't repeat everyday?
This all happens and is acquired through repetition, that now your body knows how to do it better than your mind.
When you wake up, the first thing people think about is your problems. The mind works like a circuit. The circuit contains memories that are connected to people and to things at certain times and places- and if your brain is a record of the past, the moment you start your day, you are already thinking in the past.
Each memory has an emotion. Emotions are the end product of past experiences.
How you think and how you feel creates your state of being.
The familiar past will soon or later become a predictable future.
If you can't think greater than how you feel, in the means of thinking- you are again, thinking in the past; so you are going to keep creating the same life.
A series of routine behaviors soon becomes a routine of program... you are losing your free will to a program.
When it comes time to change, the refunding of that cycle now becomes a subconscious program.
By the time we are 35, we are just a memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hard wined attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function like a computer program.
What separates the conscious mind from the unconscious mind, is the analytical mind.
Most people wait for crisis or trauma or disease or some diagnosis... they wait for loss. They wait for some tragedy to make up their mind to change.
You can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering, or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration.
When people have trauma (I would know), they basically rehearse it. Because it has a "knock down" effect. So what is that, why do people find it so hard to get past trauma?
The stronger the emotional reaction you have to an experience in your life, the higher the emotional quotient- the more you pay attention to the cause.
The moment the brain puts all its attention on the cause, it takes a "screenshot" in which we call a memory.
Long term memories are generated from very highly emotional experiences, and then people think within the circuit of that experience, and feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions. So when you have an emotional reaction to someone or something, most people think that they cannot control their emotions.
If in a "refractory period" you find and allow something as simple as an emotional reaction to last for hours or days, that is called a mood.
Any behavior pattern that you repeat can take over.
Self doubt, worry, procrastination, fear - those are all thinking patterns that are habits. You are actually not a worrier, you have a habit of of worrying. You are not a procrastinator, you have a habit of procrastinating. Big difference..
When you come to understand that if it is a thinking pattern like you "doubt" yourself all the time, or whether it be a behavior pattern like you drink way too much or you snap at your kids/students - you are spending so much unnecessary time trying to focus on manipulating how you feel, and NOT enough time practicing the skills of controlling your behavior and thoughts.
The one thing we can't control in the world is its events, but we can choose what to focus on, we can choose what things mean, and we can choose what to do.
Don't make everyday Groundhog day.

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