Dear Faculty

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So I posted this on the SRC door at school because I feel like when a student gets sent to the SRC, like?? NOTHING can get better from there.
Home is shit, depressed, and nowww the school wants to get you in trouble too? Like where does it end?? So I posted this on the door anonymously and WOWWWW

To my classmates-
I have a lot of acquaintances, but nearly no friends outside the classroom itself. I pass by most of you every single day, and have classes with some of you. Even though I don't say much- I have learned so much by observing, listening, thinking, and internally analyzing each situation every single day.

The last couple of months during the morning I chose to sit on one of the lamp posts near the office. I noticed that nearly everyday is Groundhog Day. The same people show up at the same time to the same spot to the same people. Everybody goes to the same classes and engages in the same small talk.

I notice and observe everything. Every single minute detail most wouldn't even care to pick up on.
I see actions, I see tweets, I hear people talking to themselves, I hear people talking to their friends, I notice when people fall asleep in class, I notice when a bubbly person isn't very talkative, but the most obvious is that I can see right past the double persona a person tries to up keep every second of every day.
I noticed that the vast majority of my peers hold back. Due to fear, anxiety, whatever it may be- whether it be for a class discussion or the opportunity to justify something, they become so tired they just don't even care to try anymore.
In a school filled of thousands, and a world filled of billions- it is an unfortunate objective truth that not everybody gets their turn to speak. Not everybody can tell their story and be loved how others are. Not everybody feels visible.
Never before has a generation so diligently recorded themselves accomplishing so little. We have managed to create a competition of "who can fake it the best". Society lacks consistency. As many post-it notes on lockers and posters with quotes there are, a one week spiritual high from Hume lake, or even everybody coming to unite together as a whole school- never lasts to be consistent.
There will be a speaker at an assembly talking about how we need to be more open-minded and create new perspectives towards our classmates, and everybody feels encouraged for about 2 hours until everything molds back into reality. Back to cellphones, gossiping, and a lack of tolerance.

From one stranger to another, even though I have not even met 3/4 of you- to whoever it may be, take to heart that I have and still do notice you. Even if you may not notice me.
I may not know your name, but it is clear to me that you suffer from anxiety and depression. I know that some of you have probably raised one or more siblings by yourself. I know some of you have been emotionally neglected, invalidated, and abused growing up. I know that even because you pretended you didn't do your homework because you felt like playing 2k- that you were working late hours to provide for your family and are mentally and physically exhausted. I know that your family doesn't support your choices and decisions. I know everyday that goes by you slowly lose motivation intrinsically and even though you are aware of the consequences and have a true desire to learn- you have completely lost any sight of who you are and what you are even doing with your life. I know so much more, and I know that you're visible.

You are not a burden to others, and I am sorry your voice is kept out in the dark. People are dedicated to misunderstanding you and believe that assumptions are facts.

Likes do not define your life worth. Zero retweets does not mean that your feelings are irrational and disregarded. Your clothes do not define who you are. Your grades and the classes you take do not define your intelligence. Your home does not define your home life. Others do not define you.

I think about all the yesterday's, the good ones and the bad. I would say I live a life in regret. Not because of the things I've done, but because of the things I haven't done. I have done a lot of stupid things, yet none of them bother me. All the mistakes, and all they dopey things, and all the times I was embarrassed- they all don't matters

What you give to the world is what it keeps of you. Life doesn't give us what we want, but life gives us who we are. And what defines you is the way you make other people feel about themselves.

Inside an Enigma (Youth Years)Where stories live. Discover now