In Conclusion..

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July 3, 2019
" Hey so a quick question/favor.

If you may not know, I am hoping to finish my journal that soon I want to try and publish.
If you would be willing to write me back describing me as a student, friend, peer, classmate- however you observed, encountered, and interpreted me as a whole (in third person).

It can have pros, cons, criticisms, or compliments- literally anything. I wouldn't mind it being super lengthy, or just a small paragraph. You can ask questions like, "I wonder why she...?", or "I never understood why she said/did this."

It would really mean a lot if you could contribute to my book. Again, no worries if you have no time.
Thank you all so much for being a person I can call my friend."

Tristin Jones
"When I first met Lauren, I felt her presence before I actually saw her. It was at a mutual friend's grad party, and although there were many people and much chatter going on, she sat to herself. So I went and sat next to her and soon learned that intellectually she goes deeper than any other person I've met. It was almost as if I'd found another person like me? It's relieving knowing that I'm not just crazy, thanks to her. And although I haven't known her very long, I can feel that she's someone I can put all of my trust into"

Braden Clement
"Well first off you're intimidating
You seem like a grumpy person but once you get to know you you're super caring and nice
Super smart
When you talk everyone is quiet and listeners because what you say is important"

Blake Mason
"As a friend I can describe u as a cool, fun, and goofy person to be around, but ur very quiet in the beginning and have a hard thick layer of skin I needed to get through to be ur friend. I just thought of u as a normal new girl, quiet, and lost In a harsh high school environment and I'm glad I did my part to open u up, you have became more open with more people and I hope ur doing u and being the Laurynn Ik since late lasts year"

Evan Gulbronsen
"When I first met Lauren she seemed like just a shy new girl, who needed someone to talk to her and comfort her. I knew she needed a friend, a shoulder to lean on, so I tried to make small talk. It really wasn't going anywhere and I just felt awkward for trying to sympathize for someone who didn't want or need it. So, I decided to treat her like all my other friends, and joked with her the same way I would Marissa or Lexi. I learned that Lauren is not at all who I thought she was. She was outgoing and sweet and very funny, just with a hard exterior. She is one of those people that don't open up very often nor easily. I was shocked when I heard what was happening with the people from her old school and now people from our school. I felt really special, being one of the few people that she felt most comfortable sharing stories with, and being able comfort her when she needed a friend the most. Lauren is definitely one of a kind and honestly one of the sweetest and genuine people I have ever met. Needless to say, I am lucky to have met Lauren and I will always carry a special place in my heart for her."

Makenzie Roden
"Lauren is honestly one of the most interesting people anyone could meet. She's super different, and a complex person. She's beautiful, and caring, and I always wondered why she didn't see herself how everyone else saw her. I met her in water polo, and she was one of those rare people who made me feel welcomed and good about myself. She has great energy to be around, and she clearly makes others happy. Her personality is one of the rarest in the world, and it truly shows. When I say she's an amazing person, I mean it. People always say that about other people, but this is one of those things I have to be serious about. If you're one of the lucky ones who's friends with her, cherish that friendship. She's a goddess, a goofball, a great catch, a laugh, and all around interesting. I'll never forget the day I met her. My rotisserie chicken."

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