Things People Have Said To Me

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"You have a light to you."
- Julie Barrett CNHS psychologist

"You're different I can tell."
-Joy Bennett CNHS counselor

"The fact that you can make eye contact. You act like you're 27 but you're actually 17. You will be challenged more. You are going to go far."
- Kevin Ward U.S Air Force 27 years

"The second you walked in I knew you were different. You were always busy doing something."
"You are one of a kind."
-Toni Ognibene CNHS chemistry teacher

"You'll do well. You have so much unique potential."
"You are going to thrive."
-Amy Alvarado CNHS english teacher

"North could use more people like you."
-Corbett Loving CNHS history teacher

"You could have told me. If I can help, I am always here."
"7th period isn't the same without you though!"
-Taylor Saunders CNHS math teacher

"No, I like being your partner. You make me think differently."
-Jacob Pace LDS church friend

"I don't think you're normal."
-Marc Macomber LDS therapist

"You're like the first REAL girl I've met... like you aren't fake."
-Anthony Terra CNHS friend

"Lmao well I like how you're different and not like every other basic girl in our school."
"you not like all these other girls who care about stuff that doesnt mean shit"
-Cole Arnold CWHS friend

"Well I like how freakin confident you are with your answers to evrything and I don't see that in women very much . I guess seeing how you are as a person compared to other women within my age group , I've liked what you got going more than the next woman"
"You really are one of a kind"
"Maybe I read what you are trying to say wrong , but my feelings and viewpoints toward you are consistent , they grow by the minute when I'm with you . You make me want to be a better person ."
"You're too special to just sit around and house sit for 2 years."
-Anthony Carmona BHS friend

"You're an odd individual"
-Anthony's coworker Tyler

"indeed lol feels like im talking to a therapist and its kind of nice"
"you arent going to hustle me dog you go and say you arent smart and that youre failing then just casually say smart shit thats a hustler move dog"
"dude im not even high and that just blew my mind indigo children are something else"
-Ethan Wyatt CWHS friend

"No.. I was like "wow". You should be a therapist or a psychologist."
-Michael Miller CWHS auto shop teacher

"Ik smh everyone always talked abt ur poems n sht that's like college lvl ngl props to u"
"Yeah lmao me Braden and some others we would over here ppl talking saying like damn wtf that's really good
Shit like that lol"
-Shane Moosoolian CWHS friend

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