Thank you Clovis West Staff!!

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March 28, 2019
2:24pm-2:34pm TBC
April 1, 2019

So today was the most unplanned day of my life. That's rare because I plan everything. I decided to take some initiative and put up some anonymous letters around school because I thought that my classmates could use it.
I put one letter for teachers and faculty on the attendance door is because staff always goes in there for mail and lunch. I put my classmates one on the student services door because when you walk into the disciplinary office, you somewhat just feel ashamed of yourself? Just you know life can't get any worse. I taped my letter on the door and about 2 seconds later the door popped open with one of the staff members saying, "You leaving us a note?" I said yeah and just walked off.
To only realize about after 5 minutes he ran back out to try and find me. I had to go with him and meet with a bunch of people from the SRC, vice principal, all that??? Soon after another staff member ran in with my teachers letter saying he "got them all". I was so confused and so hurt at the same time.
Apparently it was "concerning" because it's not everyday that people "tape letters anonymously on doors". Obviously ... that was the WHOLE POINT!
I talked and explained to the vice principal the motives behind it and I spoke to my counselor and she got me in an instant.
I went back to class finally as normal to just continue the everyday routine. However yet!!- I start receiving texts from my mom after 3rd period that she had spoken with my dad and the school had informed them I was .... alluding... ALLUDING SUICIDE BY AN ANONYMOUS LETTER
My dad was literally out of town and had to drive back so everybody could have a conference at 12:45pm after lunch.
As soon as my mom texted me I went to Mrs. Vargas (my counselor) and was absolutely livid. She said she was just about to find me and that she was to. She knew this was being taken completely the wrong way but the school went ahead even AFTER her and I both told them I was fine, that they just went behind our backs to make a whole scene that was unnecessary.
When finally we got there I was pissed. I wasn't trying to be rude or disrespectful but I literally couldn't even fathom that this was ACTUALLY happening.
My dad got there and looked heated red.

TBC: Long story short, I am glad it happened. After reflecting, although it didn't go as I had planned, and not everybody got to read it as I had in mind, Mr. Hernandez, my counselor, and the student services- now know what I am about. What I see. How I feel. And although the school couldn't see it- that small office did. They now know I am not average. My outlook is not like the majority. And that my words will become my reality.

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