Chapter 24 - Pain

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Sweat ran out of each of his pores and dripped from his wet skin. Slowly, tortured, he tried to change position to approach the vibrator as he moaned with pleasure. But before he could even touch the vibrator, it already switches to a higher position.

"Aaaaaaahhh..." he moans loudly. He laboriously tries to pull himself together and to control all the tormenting lust or at least to come to terms with it. Because he hasn't had control over his body for a long time. With trembling hands he tried to touch the vibrator. However, it was enough to touch him only slightly when this part increased again. Screaming he came to another climax. His whole body was so weakened, so exhausted that he thought he was going to collapse. But instead of collapsing, he only became hard again from the now even stronger vibration. Why didn't his body stop reacting so strongly? He tried hard to inhale deeply once before taking courage and wrapping his hands around the device. It vibrated so strongly in his weak hand that he could hardly hold it. But from this touch it only increased the tempo once more. A loud outcry. God, when would this thing have reached the highest level? Jimin couldn't really imagine that it would go any faster. And he also didn't believe that he could bear any more. The pain was already felt and brought tears to his eyes. Nevertheless he gathered all his strength and dragged it around. But he was already so exhausted that he could not find enough energy to pull it out. Yet he did not give in. Somehow he had to make it. He had to. Because otherwise Jimin really believed that this part would kill him.

He felt so sore, so hurt and yet his body didn't want to obey him and just got hornier. In the rush of his excitement and pain at the same time, only at the edge of his mind heard a soft ringing. But the more he concentrated on it, the louder it became. A mobile phone shot through his head. His salvation. Somebody had to help him. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he felt it had been several hours. Maybe it was hours. Maybe Taehyung just had fun torturing him. Or maybe he had just lost all sense of time. Either way he desperately needed rescue. Especially since this thing in him vibrated so quickly and mercilessly at his sore flesh that it felt as if he was about to tear it apart. With his face distorted with pain and lust at the same time, he looked at the screen. The black letters on the screen made him forget the thing in his ass for a moment. But only briefly. Too short.


With all his might, he let go of the vibrator and tried to grab the phone. With trembling fingers he lifted the handset.

"Jimin," Tae's voice sounded at the other end. Jimin didn't know if he should hate or love this beautiful voice. But Jimin was not even able to answer him. He was a single moaning, whimpering heap of misery.

"Aaaaah....mmmmhhhaaah..." His whole body trembled with effort.

"Ok you are it" Oh that son of a bitch. How dare he do something like that to him!

"..aaahh..ttt...aaaahhh...eee....aaah" Not even a right word he could press out of his dried out throat. The sweat film clouded his sight and all his lust and pain robbed him of the air to breathe.

"If I reset the steps... are you good then?" Was his serious? Not only could he obviously see how violently this thing was set. That was his only problem, while Jimin went right on here. At least he had that feeling. But there she was: His chance of relief. Almost salvation. But only almost. But Jimin would reach for every straw he could get.


"I didn't hear you" Oh, that sadist.

"Aaaah...yyyy...aaaaaahhh..." Again his body went through pure quake and he came. God he was already soiled with so much sperm that the whole room smelled of him. Even the sheets under him were warm and damp from sweat and sperm.

A soft laugh penetrated from the other side of the listener. Jimin hardly noticed it. All he longed for was redemption.

"Good. Oh, and one more thing..." Jimin could only keep moaning. He was surprised that he still had a voice. Even though she was already so saturated with lust and pain that she sounded as rough as emery paper. "If the vibrator isn't in there when I come back, I can assure you that was his most harmless punishment." Just a second later, a loud beep sounded. He had just hung up.

Suddenly Jimin opened his eyes and screamed out loud. Taehyung had raised the vibrator again. What a sadist. This torture device inside him felt as if it was tearing everything inside him apart. And despite the indescribable pain, his body wouldn't stop responding. Again he came screaming before the sudden speed. When it went back to the initial stage just as quickly. Although it was slower now, black dots were already dancing in front of his field of vision. This indescribable agony. Jimin tried hard to endure it. He clawed himself into the wet blanket. So much that his ankles were already white and he thought he was going to rip the cloth into two at any moment. But at some point he can't stand the pain and the lust anymore.

With the little bit of his last strength, he grabs the vibrator with a jerk and just pulls it out. A painful outcry. This pain burns the tears in his eyes that run hot down his face. His whole body glows and trembles with exhaustion. Greedily he pulls the oxygen into his lungs.

The vibrator falls from his weak fingers and he collapses completely exhausted on the soaking wet bed. He gets nothing more than darkness takes possession of him and he sinks into a deep dreamless sleep.


His sugar-sweet salvation.

Domination - Conflict (BTS | Vmin FF) EngWhere stories live. Discover now