Chapter 51 - Let what you love free

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Taehyung pov.:

When Jimin also winked at J-Hope... Wow that was enough! What did he even think of?! He should have respect for him! No he wasn't angry because Jimin didn't tell him about the past! Ok maybe he did. Yes maybe that was one of the reasons that Taehyung was so angry with him. Okay that was the reason. But at the same time he was so sad that he could scream everything out and now also Hobi... This boy should really learn where his limits were.

"He's cute. Where do you find all the hot guys? Okay that was it! Taehyung didn't respond to his comment, but inside he was bubbling with anger.

How dare he! He would teach him the respect! Without going into Jimin's annoyed moaning, he went into the elevator. As soon as Jimin had followed him, he pressed the button for the top floor.


As soon as the doors were closed, he pushed him jerkily against the wall, which shocked him to quicken. A little satisfaction.

"Stop being so damn disrespectful! Did we understand each other?" Taehyung Jimin nagged.

"A...but I...w...why r.disrespectful?" he stuttered nervously. It was so good to make him almost speechless once. Oh yes Jimin notice who has to say this here!

"No but! Just leave it!"

"W...what should i...I leave? I don't understand..." He was fucking with him.

"Stop provoking me," Tae yelled at him. It stood up to him. What was enough was enough. A pressure came from Jimin as he tried to push him away.

"I didn't do anything! Oh no so easily he would not escape him. He finally had to learn. Tae pressed him even harder against the wall.

"I'm still your boss, in case you forgot! A quiet whimper. He had no right to howl around here! He was the one who always destroyed everything. "Stop crying!" Jimin nodded weakly.

"Sorry, sir" Sir?! He wasn't serious now! He certainly hadn't meant the boss thing that way! Oh no, he wouldn't distance himself from him again! Angrily Taehyung hit his head against the elevator wall. But suddenly he flinched in a panic and tears rose to his eyes.

"Not... please" Jimin held protective his hands in front of his head. Horror. Pure horror spread in Taehyung. Did he really think... God NO! He would never hurt him! He did not want that...

"You really think I'd hit you?" he asked Jimin in horror. But Jimin continued to cry silently. Taehyung staggered back in shock and glided down the wall. How could it have come to this? He should not have been so strict. His fingers were pulling through his hair. Uncontrolled breaths were listening to Jimin. God what had Tae done!

"T...sorry if I scared you" Taehyung sobbed a little. Never did he ever want to scare Jimin! On the contrary. He wanted to give him strength and protect him. "I just don't want you to be so cold to me" He loved him after all. He loved him so infinitely. He had never wanted more. He only wanted that this boy felt the same way. Wanted his love. With tears in his eyes he looked up at Jimin. But when he saw Jimin's body tremble completely uncontrollably, he regained his composure.

"Jimin? Immediately he got back on his feet. More and more silent tears seeped out of his already reddened eyes. Slowly Taehyung ran towards him and carefully wiped away his tears. But Jimin immediately jerked away from him. A dagger that rammed through his heart.

"Hey, everything's fine, baby" But Jimin didn't react. He stared at Taehyung with teary, wide open eyes. His eyes, otherwise so radiant, seem so dull and lifeless. So empty. There was nothing but emptiness in it. It was as if Jimin wasn't here at all. As if he was far away. Unattainable for Taehyung. "I'm so sorry" Jimin was still staring into space with his dull eyes. When he suddenly awoke from his shock stiffness and hammered on the elevator buttons like a crazy man. He was so panicky. God what had he done to him.

Domination - Conflict (BTS | Vmin FF) EngWhere stories live. Discover now