Chapter 41 - Far away

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Taehyung pov.:

Lied. His conscience slowly regained its surface. Jimin looked at him completely shocked. "After you've done that, you can go. You never have to come again' What a pain to say those words. But he would not break his promise. It was Jimin's free will. He would not break his promise to him. But he only wanted once, that which he could never have. Just try him once. Only to feel him once. Only touch him once. Only once.

"I will certainly not do that," he continued to insist. Had he still not understood it? He was free afterwards! He could simply go! As if there had never been Tae. Even more pain even more suffering. Maybe it was better for both of them if they never saw each other again. Maybe then Taehyung would suffer less and he could not cause Jimin any more physical pain.

"You will then have your peace from me," Tae tried to persuade him further. Only once. Jimin please. Just once, Taehyung prayed silently.

"I don't care. I won't grant you that! Ouch. That had sat. But nothing of all his feelings penetrated to the outside. He seemed like a numb block of ice.

"Good" Tae got up silently from the floor, let him go and put on his trousers. "I hope you don't wet your pants again while I'm gone. Oh wait. I don't care at all." Jimin opened his eyes and looked at the floor hurt. Oh please. He could put his show anywhere else. He didn't care what Taehyung was like to him. He didn't care about Jimin. How could one man hurt him like that?!

"Wait, what are you up to?

"Nothing what would concern you what with it he went out the door and straightened some more his jeans.

"Yes exactly. Just go away! You always do that when you have problems anyway", Jimin screamed all of a sudden, completely disbanded and angry.

"That's exactly what I do", Tae shouted back.

"You run away like a cowardly dog and pull in your tail. It doesn't deserve to be called Dom," he cried on. Taehyung laughed bitterly.

"Think about what happened! Call me if you know" It was pure irony. Jimin would not understand it anyway. He understood nothing at all. He only thought about sex. He didn't care what others felt. The main thing was to satisfy his desire. Well except Taehyung apparently everyone was allowed to do that. Obviously he wasn't good enough for Jimin. He left the room.

"What is your problem?" he shouted after him.

"You're the problem, Jimin"

"Damn it, Tae! I wasn't serious," Jimin gave in. But he said it in such a cutting tone that Taehyung didn't believe a word he said. And yet slight panic swung along in his own voice.

"What was not meant seriously? He just had to hear it. He wanted to believe him so much. But Jimin only twisted his eyes. "Bye Jimin"

"You know exactly what!" Panic lay in the voice "But clearly piss off*you!", anger mingled with it and dominated. Taehyung opened the door.

"See you tonight. Maybe.

As soon as he got in the car, he burst into tears. He clasped the steering wheel with his fingers and sobbed. Angrily he hit the leather once and wiped his face with the palm of his hand. From one of the side compartments he pulled out a pen and a piece of paper.

With trembling hands he scribbled the words on the white sheet of paper. Then he folded it and got out one last time. Hesitantly and with a heart as heavy as lead, he pushed the folded letter under the door.

Then he drove off.

As far away as possible.

Away from Jimin.

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