Chapter 43 - Cruel world

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Warmth roared through his body and his heart pounded wildly in his chest. He loved him. He loved him. Jimin had to read the same line over and over again. He pressed the piece of paper firmly to his chest, while tears dripped on it.

"Of course I don't want to go, my little idiot," he muttered to himself. But then reality hit him and tore him out of his kitschy daydreams. How would he find the well? He was in a completely strange city. How was he supposed to find his way here and find this well? Not to mention the city.

His fighting spirit penetrated to him again. He would manage that. Jimin managed everything he put into his head.

Without hesitation he ran out while pulling his luggage behind him. To his chagrin he was apparently far away from the city. Here it looked like a tiny village. So they were either in a neighboring village or on the outskirts. Either way there certainly wasn't a well here, was there? Couldn't the Tae have taken an easier place? Jimin sighed and looked for a bus stop, which he actually found.

But when he looked at the plan, he found out that the first bus that went into the city would not arrive for another hour. But he had no other option. Impatiently he waited on the bus with all his luggage.

When the bus finally arrived, he got on immediately. But the view of the clock only made him more restless.

"Shit! It's already eight." Oh please let him still be there.

As soon as the bus stopped in the city, Jimin stumbled out with his suitcase. Why had he only taken this thing with him?! If only he had left it in the villa. Obviously he hadn't thought a thing about it and now he was standing there, without a well far and wide in sight. And even if he did. This city could have umpteen. How did Taehyung come up with such a crazy idea?!

Hastily he wandered around with bag and baggage. But there were always only houses at shops and nothing else far and wide. "Where is this well supposed to be? He would still get hopelessly lost. Somewhere along the way he reached a large paved square. It seemed to be the centre of the city. But from a well was not to be recognized also here far and wide. A clock on the square told him that it was already three quarters. His gait accelerated.

Suddenly it was torn back. The roll of his suitcase had got stuck between the cobblestones.

"Please don't! Hectically he pulled it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the suitcase out. Pure desperation spread through him, but he simply could not. He was furious and kicked the hard shell of his luggage. He should just leave this stupid suitcase standing, but even then he didn't believe in finding this stupid well.

Sobbing, he slipped to the floor by the suitcase. Taehyung was certainly long gone. And Jimin had no idea how to find his way back. He was so alone. He had lost everything. Suddenly something vibrated in his pocket. With trembling hands he took it out of his trouser pocket. His cell phone. Why was he so stupid?! Of course. He could have just called him. When he saw Mr. Kim on the display, new hope filled him. Jimin opened the message and read it.

Mr. Kim online

Obviously, you decided against me,

but you still get this week's salary.

Kim Taehyung.

Jimin started to cry and tried to hit the keys of his little mobile phone with trembling fingers. But all the tears obscured his sight.

Jimin online

I'm not going to build it like this.

It broke Jimin's heart when Tae didn't return anything. But before he could concentrate on his cell phone, he suddenly heard loud voices. There were several people yelling loudly around. Fearfully he looked around. Did they come closer? And indeed the screaming of drunken voices became louder and louder.

His mobile phone vibrated. A call from Tae. But Jimin's fear made him flee first. Flick and as quiet as possible, he hurried into a side street where he hid. Only then did he pick up the receiver. He could only hope that his suitcase would not get him lost.

"Come on, pick up..." heard Jimin Taehyung's impatient voice, only then did he seem to notice that he had picked up "Jimin? Oh his soothing deep voice. How much he had missed her. Slightly panicked, Jimin breathed in and out. Nothing would happen. These men were just a little drunk. You wouldn't even notice him.

"T..tae?" Jimin whispered quietly.

"What's wrong?" Jimin had to cry for joy to hear his voice.

"I...I couldn't find the fountain...nn...and..."

"Sh sh sh" The men became louder and shrill sounds of shattering glass could be heard. They were so close. SO damn close. "Where are you?" Worry resonated in his soothing tone.

"I...I don't know exactly...tae. I'm so scared."

"What do you see?" you could hear that he was trying to hide his worry and fear for Jimin. But he did not succeed.

" is somehow such a big place and several side streets lead there...v...maybe a kind of market place..."

"Okay, I'm on my way. I'll keep you low profile. I'll call you right back" He hung up. There was Jimin now. Alone again. Well almost. He would rather be alone than that these creepy men were so close to him that he could now clearly hear everything.

Jimin slipped down the wall and made himself small while he held his ears shut because the guys were so close. He didn't want to hear them. Oh Tae please come quickly.

But then suddenly a loud step and even louder voices sounded, which let him see. And there they stood right in front of him. Drunk and huge, they built themselves up threateningly in front of him.

"Naa~ what a sweet little guy is hiding there?" It was over they had him. Tae wouldn't get there in time.

Panic fell over him. Why?

Why did the world have to be so cruel to him?

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