Chapter 34 - A radiant light

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After Taehyung had left, Jimin had finally put on his boxers again, but immediately afterwards the tiredness had let him fall into a deep sleep again.

Suddenly he was startled as his room door slammed shut.

"What was that?" he murmured to himself. He was very sure that he had heard something. Was Taehyung home again? Tired, he rubbed his eyes and groped his way outside. It was about time he came back. After all, it was already late. In the middle of the night. How long he wanted to stay away. Hopefully nothing had happened to him. Stop. Quickly Jimin shook off all his worries about Taehyung. Since when did he care about anyone? There was always only him. Somehow a strange feeling that someone was still there. Someone who... who cared about him...

He felt bad for some unknown reason. But why? What was he kidding himself about? Of course it was because of Tae's testimony. But he had said himself that he only saw him as a... special toy. A stab that shook his heart. No, Jimin! What is the matter with you? You are crazy!

"Tae? called Jimin through the house, but no answer came back. A queasy feeling spread inside him and suddenly the darkness felt so overwhelming. "Tae are you there?" But in the long hallway only his own voice echoed from the walls again. He shuddered slightly. "That is really scary... Tae that is not funny! Still no answer. Did he want to rake himself? "Taaaee, hello?" he continued, while he noticed that his legs were slowly getting all wobbly.

With shaky legs he carefully ran down. He peered into the darkness, but in vain. "Is anyone there?" Oh Jimin, are you serious? Nobody would answer such a stupid question. Rather he would warn the one and then...

A sound from outside sounded and Jimin shrugged all over his body. What if...? No Jimin! You are safe. It will be good. Everything will be fine. Over and over again repeated the words like a mantra. As if it would be true as long as he just told himself that.

"H...ha...hello?", his voice was nothing more than a weak shaky whisper. His gaze searched every corner. What if someone was here? What if... if... No, Jimin! That is not possible. Not here. Or?

Outside a shadow twitched and his heart stopped a beat. His breath accelerated and a soft whimper came out of his throat.

Fearfully he hid under the kitchen island. Nobody will find him here... right? Nothing would happen to him... would it? The darkness crushed him. She wrapped herself around his body like a cobra and seemed to crush him.

Then suddenly heavy steps sounded. Slowly one step after the other sounded. Step by step. The wood creaked under her load. Jimin's pulse raced and adrenaline was poured out into his body. His breath went fast and flat as he pressed his legs close to his body. Fear strangled his breath. Threatened to suffocate him.

The steps became louder and louder. They came closer and closer. What if he was found? What if it really was... no it couldn't be that person... or? What if it did? What if... No Jimin. Taehyung will come back. He will come any moment. And then he would be safe again. Tae was there for him. He would protect him, right? But what if he hated him now? What if he would just leave him to his fate? If he never wanted to see him again and he didn't care what happened to him? The steps became louder and louder. They were getting closer and closer.

Panically he tried to hold his violent breath. Sweat broke out on his skin and covered it with a thin film. And then the steps suddenly stopped.


Tantalizing silence.

The person had to stand directly in front of his hiding place. Had he actually been found? No that was not allowed to be. Tae, please, Tae, begged his inner voice. He begged and prayed that he would come. That he would save him. But his push prayers were not answered.

The front door just wouldn't open.

He was on his own. He was at the mercy. He was in his own hell again.

Oh would he one day be able to escape this hell?

His whole body trembled.

And the dark shadows of his past threatened to catch up with him. Threatened to suffocate him. And the only thing he could think of was Taehyung.

Just smell his scent one last time. Just hear his voice one last time. Only one last time to feel his warmth.

A warm feeling spread in his chest and his stomach began to tingle when he remembered him. Even in this dark moment, Taehyung gave him warm light.

Even if he would never reach this bright light. Even if he would burn himself in it. He did not want it to go out.

He pressed the eyelids shut and came to terms with it, which would follow immediately. And although he knew what would be seen, he felt no fear. There was only gratitude.

Gratitude to have met Taehyung.

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