Chapter 45 - Dark Shadow

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Sadly, Tae looked at him.

"Okay, if you say so," depressed Jimin nodded. "Yoongi, please take Jimin to my place. I think he needs rest." Jimin widened his eyes. With Suga? Oh just the thought of sitting in a car with him was so embarrassing after his action. He could only hope Tae hadn't told him anything about his ''action''. But then he wouldn't be so quiet now. Suga agreed and pulled Jimin gently up and led him to the car.

"You... Suga," Jimin asked during the ride. " because of d...this...thing" frowning he looked at him. " know...this...d...dr...three thing" He barely needed it over his lips, but for some reason he wanted to clear it with Suga. He was almost hurt that Suga was so against it. Not that he ever wanted it put into action. Suga laughed slightly, which made Jimin look embarrassed to the ground. "F...did you think...that was bad...bad?"

"No. Why should I?" Immediately the heat shot into Jimin's cheeks. Didn't he find it? "But hopefully you are aware that this will never happen" Jimin nodded barely noticeably as he continued to look at the floor. Yoongi laughed at him and cuddled him lightly. "Hey everything cool. Don't always be ashamed" Jimin smiled torturedly.

"Ja Yoongi" As soon as they arrived, Jimin climbed out of the car and said goodbye. Sighing heavily, Jimin sat down on the bed in the house.

"God it was all embarrassing today," he muttered to himself and first went swimming when his cell phone vibrated. A message from Tae.

Jimin smiled slightly. And also he had to change his name.

Mr. Kim (online)

Hey, I actually wanted to leave you alone. But I changed my mind.

How are you?

He was so sweet. Smiling, Jimin typed a message.

Jimin (online)

Thanks a lot. What are you doing?

Taehyung (online)


Jimin had to laugh and shook his head. How could nothing be done?

Jimin (online)

Where are you? Where are you?

Taehyung (online)

With JK and Yoongi

Jimin wanted to type something, but hesitated. What was that unpleasant feeling. Was he about... If Jimin didn't know better, he would actually think that he was... jealous of Yoongi and Jungkook. But why? They were just friends and why did he miss Tae so much? Finally Jimin typed something back.

Jimin (online)

Have fun

His throat got dry. Maybe that's why Yoongi didn't find it bad. Because three of them did it more often. Because Taehyung was part of her sex life. Jimin got sick and his throat closed.

Taehyung (online)

Thank you. I'll take care of it. But we won't have

Was Jimin to blame? Why? His curiosity was aroused and he just typed his thoughts on the display.

Jimin (online)

What do you mean?

Taehyung (online)

JK runs around me moaning that I shouldn't spill the sofa T-T XD

Jimin had to laugh. His concern was unfounded, right. Tae was not one of those guys. And Yoonkook were far too happy together.

Jimin (online)


Taehyung (online)

Thank you for your sympathy XXD

Jimin (writes...)


But Jimin deleted it again. What if Taehyung refused? What if he just didn't want it? Then Jimin would only be more vulnerable. And yet he finally typed it in.

Jimin (online)

Then why don't you come back home?

Taehyung (online)

Because I want to leave you alone. After all, what I did was unforgivable.

Jimin stared into the water with a crease. He just wanted to be near Tae. Besides, it was only understandable how Tae had acted. At least it was Jimin's fault.

Jimin (online)

It's okay.

Tahyung (online)

No, it's not. Good night, Jimin

He didn't want to see him. Jimin had to accept that. Maybe he never wanted to see him again. But it was Jimin's fault. He had to live with the consequences now. As difficult as it was for him. Taehyung just did not want to be with him. This fact almost tore Jimin apart. That was exactly what he had feared. It was so away to know that he was right. And there he was again, the little vulnerable Jimin of that time. Would he finally be able to leave his past behind at some point? He already knew the answers. No. Because she followed him like a dark shadow. Close on his heels. Because you couldn't escape from your own fear, no matter how fast you ran. You took them everywhere with you.

Fear was his constant companion.

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