𝘋𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦!

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Hi there, well you can definitely see my name at the top so no need for further introductions, just got to warn you, there's something amazing at the end" Smiling at the readers, Miozomi walks away towards the scene

As the sun began to rise over the palace, it shined brightly over a bedrooms curtains, uncaring to anyone that the specific bedroom is where the youngest child of Firelord Ozai's children, The Young Princess...

"Miozomi are you certain of your decision?" My royal hand maid ask me as i packed some clothes into a box

"Most definitely, I want to help my brother in restoring his honour. Let's be honest with ourselves Shun, if I keep staying in this palace I'll never learn more about my...abilities. Azula's going to spend most of her time with father in the war room and I'll be alone with more royal lessons and princess tea parties" I cringe at the last part as more maids come into my bedroom to help carry my luggages to the coach which is taking me to the docks where I'll be joining my brother, who might i add is not too happy about me joining him but that makes me more happier

"But your too young...a-and you can learn about your abilities here, where your safe from all the danger" she insist running after me as I walk around the palace grounds 

She has been my personal hand maid for as long as I can remember, she's a mother figure to me and a great listener but I'd really appreciate it if she butt-out of this 'complex situation' as she puts it in air quotes. Not too long ago, my brother Prince Zuko had a show down for talking back to a General at a royal war meeting, which normally we are not to attend unless invited personally by our father. It's called an Agni Kai. Zuko thought he was to duel the General he had talked back at but he found out the hard way that he was to duel our Father...

Firelord Ozai

My brother, being too kindhearted to fight refused to engage in a physical battle against our father, this angered him and as a punishment, Father left a permanent scar on Zuko's left face, then proceeded to banishing him from our nation until he can retrieve the long lost Avatar. When Zuko first got the scar I was furious and demanded my father apologies to him which resulted in me getting punished, I'm not going to talk about that. After I had finished my punishment I pleaded once more with my father, this time to allow me accompany Zuko, it was not easy but he finally agreed to let me go

"I want to go, despite me being only nine years old. Please don't convince me otherwise, this will be a chance for me to make real friends, see new places and as a bonus, who knows, I might even see my Aunt Okimi again" I said making my way down the stairs of the palace where Father was waiting for me with Azula

I hear a sigh as I make my way down the stairs "As you wish Princess"

"Miozomi" Father says in a deep voice, sending shivers down my spine

"Father" I bow with my head down

"Make sure your brother doesn't fail, if he does, I'll hold you personally responsible"

"I'll make sure Zuko makes the right choice"

'Which is finding his own path' I thought as I finally look at my fathers cold dead eyes

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