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It just so happened that finding his father to talk to him about Liruliniel's initiation into training came sooner than what Thranduil thought. In fact, the two were still walking about, well, Thranduil couldn't seem to shake Liruliniel and she was happily walking beside him, when Oropher spotted them. Of course, he looked sceptical, not knowing that Hérion's daughter and his son were remotely friendly. It was a surprise to see them. Although a rather funny image too.

Thranduil was calm faced, sharp blue eyes staring ahead before sliding and landing on his father's form. The steely coloured tunic he wore seemed to blend in with the grey walls around them, yet contrasted sharply with the forestry coloured tunic Liruliniel wore. Thranduil looked a little disjointed, probably in his own thoughts, while Liruliniel's expression was a rather happy one. Oropher didn't know what had happened, but he was pleased to see the young girl wasn't pestering someone somewhere.

He was aware of the daughter of Hérion, the fact that she was seemingly endless bounding energy, her love for climbing had given her the ability to scamper and escape lessons. He was also aware that her father was contemplating sending her elsewhere in hopes of someone else being able to get through and teach her. Caladhiel had her work cut out, but at the end of the day it was up to Hérion what he did. Oropher, as a king and more importantly a friend, could only give his opinion when and if asked.

Perhaps, if Thranduil and herself were to maybe spend time together, his ways would rub off on her. Or perish the thought, it could go in the opposite direction. Oropher didn't want to think of that. Thranduil was well behaved, did what was asked of him and the thought of him turning rebellious like Liruliniel had him frowning. He may not approve of a budding friendship after all...

The two younger elves soon stopped, Thranduil having to reach out and clutch on Liruliniel's shoulder when she seemed ignorant to the fact that she was almost going to walk straight into his father. She was too busy looking up at him rambling away about something, he wasn't wholly listening. Because she got pulled to a stop, she looked around then. Her smiling, excited face slipped and she looked upwards at the taller male before them. If she barely reached Thranduil's shoulders, then Oropher was even more of a ridiculous person to measure against. He had to look down at the girl as she craned her neck up to look at him.

"I am glad to see you have found the runaway student." Oropher said, staring down at Liruliniel. She awkwardly smiled up at him. He had clearly crossed paths with Caladhiel, and she had probably told the king all about her latest experience with Liruliniel.

"I have a suggestion to make her stay and listen." Thranduil commented, sounding offhanded as he removed his hand from her shoulder, not totally realising he was still holding onto her. In fact, he wouldn't blame her if she tried to run. His father had this imposing aura about him. Calming at times, but a turmoil of emotions the next. He had a blank façade most of the time, but his eyes would always give him away with how he was feeling, or thinking. Both father and son were very similar in appearance, so being stared at by similar clear blue eyes was disconcerting to anyone, especially a small elf girl.

"Oh?" Oropher tilted his head and turned, he gestured a hand down the hall and Liruliniel soon found herself walking between father and son. She looked between the two awkwardly, she felt very out of place walking alongside these two, not just because of who they were to her, but the fact they looked so perfect, straight backed, blonde haired and blue eyed, fine tunics with the smallest details and both were so incredibly tall to her.

"I have persuaded Liruliniel to agree to take lessons with me. In return, I said I will speak to you about getting her some proper training." Thranduil said, having zero trouble talking about the girl when she was right next to him. Liruliniel glanced his way, and he just rose a dark eyebrow in return. What he said was true, unless she suddenly wanted to go back to running around and run the risk of being sent elsewhere? Thranduil was sure Lord Elrond would just love to have her running about the waterfall laden dwelling in which he resided in.

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