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It was an impossibility not to watch the leaving elves with a sad countenance and teary eyes. Liruliniel stood at the gates of Erebor, alongside the dwarves, watching the army leave. A few horses which had survived the battle were given to them to use, some pulled wagons with whatever remained of the supplies that were bought. Whereas some who were still healing, had a simple ride and journey home without stressing and pulling wounds. Wherever and however possible, the treasure which Thorin gave was bundled up anyway it could be.

No longer with Arthion, Thranduil was seated upon a dapple grey horse, with a reasonably good nature from what Liruliniel had seen when saying a farewell to him. Making sure the horse was saddled and ready, their exchange was brief, short even as very little was said, but expressions and words unsaid actually did enough. It wasn't as if they hadn't already said their farewells, in fact, standing and watching the elven host march downwards into Dale, Liruliniel could very well remember their farewell with somewhat blushed cheeks.

It was always somewhat of a contradiction, that someone so strong and powerful could be the opposite, gentle, loving, any hard edges and unsympathetic looks were gone. Their last night together was spent lost in each other's arms, Liruliniel had been so carefully cradled against him as they made love. Seemingly wishing to tease her, to perhaps make her remember and recall this night as they parted ways, Thranduil's pace varied and at the slowest points, it had Liruliniel close to crying and stuttering out his name as she clung to him anyway she could.

"A month," Thranduil had said when they were both sated and laying surrounded by disarrayed bedding. Liruliniel was resting her head against his chest when he spoke, an arm around her back kept her in place while his other came to rest behind his head. It had been silent for a while, since ceasing any activities and enjoying the radiating peaceful feeling which travelled through them and the now silent air. Contentment had never truly felt so good before. It wasn't something he was typically thinking of, more something that had come to his mind quite suddenly. Anymore time had an unsettled feeling creeping into the otherwise peaceful silence, an unwanted feeling encroaching into his mind.

Liruliniel, bundled against him yet slightly swaddled in the throws on the bed peeked up at him. Pulling his eyes away from the ceiling, Thranduil looked back at her. Liruliniel smiled and nodded, "A month."

"You can permit me that?" There was a smirk evidently pulling at the corner of his lips as he asked this. Liruliniel rolled her eyes, her fingers which had been absentmindedly tracking over the pale skin above his ribs, suddenly moved away and playfully hit him on the shoulder. He didn't even try and stop her like he usually did, he was allowing her this one time. "I am sure you can get all you need, or wish to help with out of the way or near completion for another by then." He mused, turning on his side and watching as she slipped from him and nestled against the pillows of the bed.

Liruliniel gave a small fidget, looked at him as he propped himself up on an elbow and looked patiently back down at her. "I am not going to do a half job."

"Of course you're not." He stated simply, "But surely a month will be sufficient time here?"

"To get help, and to get Erebor out of my system, you mean?" She asked back, a wide smile appearing on her face as she quietly laughed about this. "You are going to miss me, as I am you. A month will be long enough, too long still I know despite it being barely anything. We have been apart for longer, and have come through relatively fine."

Thranduil tilted his head slightly at that, his fingers prodding gently at his temple as a troubled look flitted across his face. "Relatively fine is putting it mildly, I believe. But for the sake of agreeing, I shall just say yes." He had to admit, each time they parted and reunited, it was never easy. The first time was dramatic, slightly traumatic in a way, Liruliniel had been cut out of part of his life and was naturally unaware to him now having a son. Likewise, she was upset she had missed out on seeing him and Vanadessë wed. In fact, Thranduil was glad she wasn't there, because he believed it would've just been awkward. He had always known Liruliniel cared for him, she came off nonchalant and ignorant, but she was bad at it. The second time, he outed her in front of everyone for who she actually was. Thus incurring her wrath and anger over and at the moment in general. No, things were not relatively fine whenever they reunited, and he couldn't help but dread over what the problem or thing would be this time.

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