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To say that everyone was thankful at the sight of land, was an understatement to say the least. Liruliniel was, of course, the more better off; she wasn't waterlogged, nor was she situated within a barrel. However, she did have to dodge and move from barrel to barrel at times, she didn't wish to weigh down the barrel more, making whoever the dwarf was inside struggle, more so than what he already was. By the time they all got to calmer waters, the paddling hands and efforts to move through the water had got lax, to say the least. The dwarves were zapped of energy it seemed, cold, wet and tired and though land was in sight, the hesitance of still being followed was clearly in the forefront of everyone's minds.

"You are safe," Liruliniel had commented loud enough for them all to hear. Her eyes were far superior, and though she hadn't been this far down river for a long time, she knew it. She remembered it well, travelling through the forestry to get to Esgaroth, a company of guards and Oropher beside her. Liruliniel couldn't help but smile slightly, she was so young then, inhaling deeply she turned and jumped to another barrel lip. She had been facing the way they had come, if an attack came, it wasn't going to be from the front, was it? But she couldn't spy any sign of their enemies. No thunderous sounds of heavily booted feet ploughing through the forest, no scattering of birds crying out loudly at the intrusion and definitely no shouting in a dark language none of them would understand.

"I think we've outrun the orcs!" Came a relieved exclaim from behind her as she caught sight of the rocky shore coming into sight fully. Liruliniel, admittedly, did not know all the names of the dwarves. Introductions while in prison cells just didn't seem right. But she had seen the dwarf who shouted this, somehow his hat had remained in place throughout the dramatic journey, even if it too was absolutely waterlogged.

"Not for long, head for the shore!" Thorin was lucky enough to have a long branch in hand which he was using as a makeshift oar. The others weren't this lucky, but at the mention of dry land, they all commenced wildly paddling with their hands again in the direction that their leader was heading in.

Liruliniel had the advantage of being the first to step foot against the craggy grey surface, the swaying motion which she had got so used to lingered, and she turned a little uncertainly if only to grimace at the sight of the barrels all bumping into each other. The dwarves themselves were eagerly all trying to scramble out, it was a mass of limbs and legs, grumbles and shouts of insult now and then. They were certainly uncoordinated, unlike previously when attacking the orcs. Liruliniel smiled and shook her head, she didn't think she'd ever truly understand dwarf-kind, they were just a mystery all unto themselves. Yet walking forwards, she gripped onto the rim of the barrel and kept it steady as Thorin pulled himself out. He sent her a thankful look before she just pulled the barrel onto the land with ease. She looked him over, relieved not to see an injury on him, yet from the gruff noise which came from behind her she looked behind herself with a confused look.

The tall dwarf, well, he seemed taller than the others, looked at her sceptically, not welcoming at all as he made his way to be beside Thorin. Liruliniel just awkwardly looked away from the heavily tattooed male, perhaps she'll go be useful and help the dwarves out of those barrels. It wasn't that they weren't getting the job done, but really...it just looked uncoordinated.

Tilting her head she paused when one dwarf in particular seemed to almost buckle under his own weight. His legs gave out and a pained noise came from his lips as he sunk to the ground. Liruliniel stared long and hard at him before turning and moving his way. The dwarf with the hat was nearby him too, a look of utter concern on his face. Though spotting her, he shifted to the side slightly. The younger male looked somewhat bitter, Liruliniel wasn't sure at who or what. At maybe being hurt in the first place, or his friend's obvious concern.

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