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When it came to moving, it was surprising really how little they actually had to pack away. Thalion found that most of his clothes folded away and fitted into a cloth knapsack. Other things which were more like keepsakes were packed away into a small trunk. This was it, this was all his life seemingly amounted to, a knapsack and a trunk. But the latter wasn't just his, Hérion's things mainly went in there. Liruliniel had very little in the way of possessions, and that went the same for clothes too. Generally, most of her things went in the trunk. Not that she knew this, because she wasn't in shape to help pack up.

She was still a bit lethargic, pale and enthusiasm seemed harder to push. But she seemed better within herself, she spoke more to the two males that she lived with. Even offering to help where she could, only the reality of this was her trying and tiring herself out and needing to sit. Hérion was naturally worried about his daughter, but he couldn't humour waiting around. It sounded harsh, but they were leaving.

Thalion however would pause helping his father and see to her. Liruliniel smiled pathetically, she knew she was a burden. If she was dragging these two down, just with packing, then needless to say she'd be the same with everyone else. She could barely walk from her room to the main living room without leaning against the wall for support. Liruliniel was weak, and a weak elf wasn't useful to anyone.

"Here," Thalion threw a thick cover around her. She had dressed, wearing a simple forest green tunic with brown trousers, he had to help her with her boots and even when it came to braiding her hair. But he didn't mind aiding her where he could, it's what brothers did. However, her sitting there looking mournful was something he couldn't help with. He knew she seemed to partially blame herself for this. And by extension, they both knew others would blame her too.

"It is my fault."

Thalion stopped pinning the cover around her, a simple brooch was holding it in place around her neck. He pulled the rest of the material around her, only her head was peeking out the top of this blanket cocoon. "That is nonsense, and we know it."

"Thalion...if I didn't run away, if I didn't keep exploring-"

"Then we'd never know something was encroaching on our land." Thalion said, staying knelt in front of her, he looked over his shoulder when he heard his father walk in. He had been been out discussing routes, or something. In all honesty, Thalion didn't know. He just knew Hérion had left him to ready Liruliniel.

"I have to go through that place, Thalion." Liruliniel whispered to him, Thalion looked at her with a small frown. Liruliniel tilted her head, "I almost passed out once. What is going to happen a second time?"

"We will travel quickly," Thalion said, standing up and looking down at his swaddled sister. She just peered up at him with watery eyes. She was scared, and there wasn't a whole lot he could do to deter her fears. He hadn't been out there, he didn't know. But he would feel it. Maybe not as badly as her, but he would, even the three older elves had.

Hérion soon appeared beside his son, Liruliniel looked upwards at him. Sitting here in the seat, both looked so incredibly tall to her. Hérion didn't say anything to either, he just simply reached down and scooped the bundle that was Liruliniel up. She let out a little noise and wiggled a bit, but he soon readjusted his hold on her in his arms and took off walking. Thalion got the message and grabbed their things, the trunk was light despite looking heavy and everything the three family members owned, fitted into it. Thalion's knapsack and all.

He followed his father out the room, he briefly looked back at their home one last time before walking forwards. From over Hérion's shoulder, Liruliniel looked back sadly too. Thalion caught her gaze and shook his head, it wasn't her fault. He readjusted the grasp he had on the handles before spotting the congregation of people near the large doors. Half the elves gathered, Thalion hadn't seen since moving here. Some real familiar faces, familiar faces which seemed to frown his way.

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