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Thranduil's eyes slowly opened at the sound of quiet footsteps beyond the door, they stopped and soon a soft knock could be heard echoing out into the room. He hadn't realised it, but he had drifted off briefly to sleep too. His sleep was dreamless, just dark and still. He didn't really dream, Thranduil couldn't remember the last time he even did really. But he had clearly become comfortable in the silence listening to the rain, that he had grown distant in thought and fallen asleep.

His face was at least half buried in the curls atop Liruliniel's head. His eyes blankly stared at the door, whoever was out there knocked again. Of course they knew he was here, if he wasn't in any other obvious room, where else would he be than his own? He didn't want to move. He really didn't want to move. His arms subconsciously tightened around Liruliniel's still sleeping form as if this would anchor him here, and he wouldn't need to move her.

It didn't work, of course. The knocking grew in volume, Thranduil's eyes hardened then and a frown slipped onto his otherwise peaceful face. The continuous banging had Liruliniel stirring in his arms, her head tried burying itself against his chest as her hands gripped onto him more. Even an unhappy, yet still very sleepy sound came from her. Thranduil didn't want her to wake, she clearly needed rest and this infuriating knocking was going to disturb that.

Yes, he could put it to an end by simply answering. But to answer meant moving, and moving meant leaving Liruliniel; sure, he was not exactly doing anything other than providing her a pillow, and warmth but he still would rather stay here than answer the door.

Sighing shortly, he managed to move slowly and turn her in his lap. She fussed, of course she did because he was moving her against her will. A tired frown appeared on her face as he hoisted her into his arms and moved away from the window seat. Even as he made it to his room, he could hear the distant sounds of thunder. So the storm had gradually grown worse as the day had dragged on, it seemed. The rain was still pouring, but the coverage that the high trees provided meant it still struggled to fully hit against the kingdom below.

Thranduil managed to open his bedroom door, he moved over to the bed silently and laid Liruliniel down. It made a change for her not to be holding onto him at this point, she usually did. Instead her hands had sunken back into the sleeves of his robe, she looked quite small laying there wrapped up in it as she sleepily curled up. The item of clothing was large enough to cover her form completely, he didn't bother draping a cover over her as he turned and made his way to the door.

He looked mildly surprised when Legolas stood on the other side, he quickly pushed his surprise to the side and looked at his son curiously. Legolas seemed to have not long since returned, much like himself earlier he was slightly dampened by the rain. It looked like he had come straight here, he hadn't even gone to his room and changed and dried up. "Yes?" Thranduil merely asked, raising an eyebrow when his son just stood there looking at him with a hard to pin down expression.

"We have a problem."

"Oh?" Thranduil tilted his head, "What exactly is the problem?" He furthered on, seeing that the two answers he gave being so short had annoyed his son a little. Legolas frowned, he didn't like one word answers and Thranduil found himself smirking slowly. Sounds like someone else he knew, clearly a trait which had rubbed off on the blonde before him.

"There is a nest which is mere metres away from the main gates."

"Has it been dealt with?" Thranduil asked, keeping his hand against the door as he stared at his son unblinkingly. Legolas just looked at him with a knowing look, as if he hadn't dealt with it, but that didn't mean others wouldn't soon reoccupy the site. Thranduil sighed, he shrugged loosely and looked out at the empty corridor behind Legolas's shoulder. "Then I do not know what you wish for me to say."

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