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To say that the coronation and the banquet afterwards wasn't lavish, or as lavish as it could be right now, was an understatement. Truly, although everyone did not seem to have much, everyone had tried their very hardest and best to pull together again for this moment, for this celebration. It was amusing to Liruliniel, Thorin, though somewhat awkwardly humbled by what everyone had done, clearly enjoyed it regardless. Whereas she was more than privy to knowing that earlier in the day before, those within Dale had appointed and celebrated in their own way, of Bard being well and truly their leader. Liruliniel had great fun, whenever seeing the stern faced male, in bowing and addressing him as such; "It is good to see you, sire." Or even; "Whatever brings the King of Dale here?" If he happened by somewhere she was, without much of a reason. He had appeared in the forge at one point, hence why she asked such a question much to the amusement of the dwarves.

Bard as ever, quick as anything, had merely smirked, looked at her and tilted his head. "Perhaps for the same reason why a Princess is here too." Bard had come here to help, he was a quick learner and aided where and when he was needed.

Liruliniel was more than certain that the dwarves and elves knew about his sudden, and little private coronation, but no one made a fuss about it; mainly because it was not what Bard seemed to wish. He was a private person at the best of times, Liruliniel didn't blame him for not wanting all this fuss. It was incredibly...well, incredibly dramatic. Her head was dizzy, and she was just a guest!

Truthfully, the presentation and coronation of the crown and the new king was something. It was truly something, and Liruliniel felt herself smiling throughout the ceremony. Thorin's family, and his friends too were looking on with rather similar tearful eyes and watery smiles. It was fulfilling, wholesome even. It was also beautiful, and felt like an end, in a way. Thorin was finally where he belonged, what he had fought so hard for, almost given up, was now his; he had his home, he had his kingdom and his family, and he now had his throne and crown.

The dwarves naturally made the most noise, seeing as how there was so many of them present for the ceremony. The cheers, shouts, both in the common speech and their own was practically thunderous. The elves were more reserved, bowing their heads in recognition to Thorin and his new title, the mortals from Dale just sort of followed suit with the elves. No one made as much noise as the dwarves, and no one present seemed to wish to compete with them to do so.

Thorin had given a speech, small, to the point and honest. He had been very honest, and apologetic, yet he had promised that he would do his utmost to keep the peace here, that no other foul creature would take Erebor away from them again; this if anything had the dwarves cheering even louder, if that was possible. But his words had struck a chord in everyone, there was an underlining meaning, that he was not removing himself from his kingdom ever again, and nor should those within Dale do so, or need to either. But for the moment, those that were calling the city home, were welcome within his home until theirs was stable. The people had cheered and shouted then, quite openly.

It was all very heartwarming, and peaceful. There was something so heartwarming and endearing about the acceptance, the open trust and truce amongst them all. Yes, they had almost squared off against each other, but they were now friends. Liruliniel smiled at it all really, here she was a part of another alliance, fought against the same enemy, but it was another alliance which had hit him back to the lands he came from. It felt different though, perhaps because she was older and she fully understand everything now. But it was still rather prideful of her to take such feelings in being present and accountable for this.

She was rather pleased, or rather, she laughed to see her words about the food being hurriedly shared out was right. The drink did not take long to appear, a drinking game soon followed suit and some mortals thought they'd try their luck, got totally joked and laughed at, but eventually everyone was loosened up, having fun, laughing and dancing about. Someone had found and cleaned up some instruments, a fiddle was being expertly played, but other instruments too were present. Quite a merry tune was filling one of the many large halls of Erebor.

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