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The gentle twittering of winter birds singing outside were the first things which steadily became clearer to Thranduil as his mind came out of sleep. Their lively trills and lulls sounded out happily within the otherwise quiet room. Even as he laid there still definitely more asleep than awake, Thranduil could not figure out what they had to sound so cheery over. Winter wasn't easy on the wildlife that inhabited the forest with them.

He for one did not feel wholly content or happy, it wasn't that he wasn't either emotion, he was more than content still curled up warm and comfortable, Liruliniel was still fast asleep and equally curled up in his arms. Her head seemed comfortably nestled under his and somehow, he wasn't sure how, she had curled into a small ball and he was holding her still while like this. Well, she seemed comfortable so he was opting not to question it.

His growing sour moods dwelt on the tasks which he had set himself out to do today. He didn't know which one caused him more pain; Baramaethor, or dwarves. That wasn't to say he was putting the old elf in the same ranks as roaming dwarves, least of all those dwarves having Thorin in company, but even still...Thranduil feared there would be a truth uncovered, but most of all he disliked the thought of being lied to. Which was worse? Honestly, both were as bad as the other; a truth would mean Baramaethor knew the attempt on Liruliniel's life, which would then mean he'd need to take action. This in itself was going to lead to worse things, Anameleth would not look kindly on whatever said actions would be. But then Thranduil couldn't help but muse, how much would Anameleth look kindly on her relative if she knew he was involved in an attempt in killing her close friend?

It got so very messy, and the thoughts were hurting his brain already. Having a finger suddenly poke him between his eyebrows, he looked down. Liruliniel was pouting, eyes narrowed still in an attempt to keep hold of sleep. "It's too early to be so grumpy." Thranduil just found himself frowning more. He most definitely wasn't grumpy, he was thinking, there was a difference. "I can hear the cogs turning in your mind, it woke me up." She continued, Thranduil just raised an eyebrow then. That was ridiculous and so impossible, he didn't comment though. "What is it?" Of course she'd want to know, she was too curious for her own good.

"Lord Baramaethor." Her face shifted instantly, Thranduil laid there and watched her eyes darken, her nose twitched and she muttered under her breath. "Now who is the unhappy one?"

"It is fine for you, he hasn't hated you since birth."

"I doubt...well, maybe you are right. Let us say perhaps you are right, I need to find him and question just what exactly he spoke to Voronwë about." Liruliniel wasn't going to opt to point out the dropping of the title. She instead moved and propped herself up on her elbow, with an expectant look, she patiently waited for him to continue. Thranduil sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "Do I believe he was in on this? No. He may dislike you, but enough to go along with that? But I do not believe he has hated you since birth. He has had good moments-"

"Ah, yes, one. One! And that was when I was near on collapsing back in the old kingdom. He didn't have an option but to be nice and help me. Other times he's too busy arguing with me."

"And you with him, you do not help."

"It's too early for a discussion," Liruliniel was going to say an argument, but no, Baramaethor was not worth arguing over. With a pout she laid back down, "You are thinking which path to take. Do you condemn someone if the truth is found out, or do you do nothing? Well, not nothing, but something not as harsh as say, exiling or death."

"I am not signing anyone's death sentence." Thranduil frowned especially over that, he looked at her thoughtfully. "You'd expect that?"

Liruliniel snorted out a laugh and buried her face against the pillow. "No. As I said, you are not vengeful. So, what other actions could be taken? If perchance he was involved, what could you do that would not be so easily viewed by others? Cannot imprison him, could take away certain tasks and privileges he has; maybe demote him from the council, regardless of the fuss he kicks up." She rubbed her eyes with a small yawn. "But then what if he knew nothing, and is innocent? He will not like fingers pointing at him. I do not doubt that when faced with you, he will go on about rubbish but plead his innocence."

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