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What was Liruliniel expecting? Definitely not to be within a training area with Oropher as an opponent. How did this happen again? She found herself utterly lost and confused. She said she was trying to find herself, or something alike and he...Liruliniel just frowned at her king, "You...are taking over my training?"

Oropher looked at her like she'd spoken another language, he looked just as confused as she did. Was this not enough of a hint? "Your father cannot aid your brother, and you at the same time plus his other duties. It will tire him, and it will make decision making unfortunately bad." Oropher watched Liruliniel shrug loosely, that did make sense. "You are not the only one, who is trying to find a reason to be."

She looked worriedly at him, "But, you are our king."

Oropher's mouth turned upwards slightly, "By popular demand. It is not something I asked for, Liruliniel. Like your father, I am a soldier. I am not a diplomat, no matter how much I may appear so. What do you think I do all day?"

"Listen to people talking to you."

Oropher nodded, "Exactly. To me, you see, you and I are in a similar position."

She looked a little bashful at that, "Not sure about that...but, well, by aiding me what do you get from it?"

Oropher raised an eyebrow, "A guard who'll talk with me, not at me."

"You'd...you'd just accept me, just like that?" Liruliniel took a step forwards, utterly awestruck here. She felt like someone had just gone and dumped ice cold water all over her. She was cold, hot, confused, shaking from excitement and fear. The latter being clearly to pass his standards, she had to fight against him, now that hint she got loud and clear. Liruliniel didn't remember this being a thing with other guards. Maybe Oropher was bored too?

He raised an eyebrow, "Liruliniel, as a guard you'd be able to travel wherever I go. You won't be tied down like your brother, or father."

Her eyes widened, "I can see the world?!" She all but shouted excitedly, her eyes looked at him expectedly, Oropher couldn't help but lightly laugh and shake his head. Liruliniel just clapped her hands and basically hopped from foot to foot.

"This part, yes. I hope you won't get too bored."

"I was half thinking of visiting Esgaroth anyway," she shrugged, Oropher didn't look surprised. Liruliniel reached down and unsheathed her sword. She smiled, Oropher was a lot more graceful with doing the same action. He had years of training, strength and speed and experience of course the simplest thing was going to look elegant coming from him.

Oropher slowly stepped forwards, he had taken off the long robe that trailed across the floor. Fighting in the beautiful tunic and tailored trousers would probably cause problems to anyone else. Apparently not him, he moved with speed and grace and Liruliniel, despite the clear disadvantage she had, really kept up with him.

No one really fought her when in training. This was a fight, like an actual fight, the first real proper fight she had, ever. The fact it was with her king was still mind blowing, and if Oropher saw her attention slip he took it to advantage and drove her back. Liruliniel let out a yelp and leaped back from a swipe, she jumped again, pathetically swatting at his sword with her own. Oropher just looked at her dully, not impressed.

"Has your father really got that lax with teaching?" Oropher asked, watching the disposition shift on Liruliniel's face. Her eyes narrowed and darkened, her expression turning serious as she listened to his question. It was a low blow, bringing family up was not fair and it was an incentive for her to take this seriously to prove him wrong. Oropher knew for a fact that Hérion was a brilliant teacher. He did not doubt his friend's skills. But with the way Liruliniel was fighting right now, Oropher wasn't sure who had taken over the lessons, but they were doing an awful job.

Liruliniel had moments of showing genuine grace and skill, only for that to disappear and for her movements to become a bit erratic and hard hitting. She was quick, Oropher had to give her credit there, she was fast. Not as fast as himself, but when she started taking this fight seriously, Oropher found himself having to counter fast hits and strikes from the younger elf. She seemed determined now, utterly determined to show him she could fight and it was partially with thanks to her father. She wasn't perfect, there was plenty of room for her to perfect her skills, but she was young. There was potential, potential which was being wasted on her sitting talking to Arthion most days. Though Oropher was sure the elk loved the company, or rather the snacks she came with.

Their swords clashed and Oropher had the advantage to push her back. With a severe look, Liruliniel tried her hardest to push back but he had the strength to easily push her attempts back. She inhaled sharply, she let go of her sword with one hand as the other got pushed down on more. She let out a groan, yet her hand pulled at a knife and thrashing it upwards, she made sparks fly between the three blades as she broke the contact. Standing and twirling the deadly shorter blade in her hand, she hunkered down, out of breath yet ready to go again.

Oropher just beckoned at her, something that ticked her off; he knew joking at her expense didn't always go well, but taunting was something else entirely as she gritted her teeth and ran forwards. He wasn't expecting her to leap in the air and strike down on him, yet it was an attack he easily deterred and repelled. She skidded along the floor, rolling slightly before jumping up and running back at him. No matter how many times she was knocked back, or fell, she got back up more determined than ever. Her attacks and hits were growing weaker though, he could feel it so he figured she did too. Liruliniel was getting tired. Her limbs feeling heavy and her head lightheaded from breathing in and out so sharply.

Batting her aside again, Oropher just watched her skid along the floor on her side. She laid there, unmoving yet through her hair he could see her eyes staring up at him. She still had that determined glint in her eyes. Lifting up a hand, she pressed it against the cold ground, with shaking arms she pushed herself upwards. She sat there, her knees bent and her arms against them as she looked up at him. She was horribly out of breath, she hadn't ached so much before, that she knew of.

Oropher sheathed his weapon and made his way towards her, he leaned down to pick her fallen weapons up. As he grew close, he crouched down to her level. Turning the weapons to her, he watched her shaking hands take them back. "You're definitely your father's daughter." He said, Liruliniel placed the knife back in its sheath against her ribs and looked at him curiously. Oropher's eyes however were looking upwards. Liruliniel was confused now, she turned in her sitting position and her expression soon went utterly relaxed, jaw almost dropping by the amount of people who were gathered around, watching. They had watched everything. Liruliniel looked quickly back to Oropher, her expression distant and shocked, "I have a meeting in Esgaroth, possible trade involving wine. I leave soon, go change and be quick. If you are not ready when I come to leave, I will go without you."

"When do you go?" Liruliniel's voice was quiet and shaking, she felt lightheaded again. She couldn't quite comprehend what was happening here.

"You have ten minutes, and counting." Oropher stood and looked down at her, Liruliniel knew he wasn't going to help her up, after all, it was her job to aid him. Yes, it could work the other way around. But any respect made here with the others would be gone if she needed help standing.

Liruliniel pushed herself up, her legs wobbled yet she didn't fall. She straightened up and looked up at him, she bowed slowly and stood back up. "I will be ready."

"That I do not doubt." Oropher said, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "Dismissed." Liruliniel stood waiting like anyone else for him to tell her to go, and go she did. She bowed again, turned on her heels and walked off quickly. She walked through the corridor, lined with spectators and it wasn't until she got to her room that she grinned and showed moments of excitement.


(A/N: Sorry for the delay, I got attacked by the flu for like two weeks, then Christmas came knocking, plus a family holiday. Anyway, hopefully I'll be back properly soon, sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the others. Happy New Years too! Hope it's been a good one, along with Christmas.)  

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