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Two days, it took two days for the overall feeling of ultimate queasiness to pass her by. Liruliniel did not have much to pack and take with her, due to Thranduil already doing that. She had the bare essentials which fitted in a saddle bag, her swords had been left with her but she had parted with her bow. Even her swords were attached to the saddle in a way that it would be easy for her to grasp them, if needed. She patted down the tawny horse she was given, he seemed mild mannered, not skittish and if anything cautious around her. Liruliniel knew animals could sense things, and she wondered if her new friend could sense the new life within her.

Thorin stood with the other dwarves watching her, he moved forwards a little though when she came to say her farewells. His reaction to being told that she was with child was to stare wide eyed and silently. Dís had been with her, and she had hit him on the shoulder, instructing him to shut his mouth before a spider or fly makes a home within it. He snapped his mouth shut and awkwardly congratulated her. Liruliniel guessed that was always going to be the way. But she didn't mind. The other dwarves, the hobbit and the remaining wizard had been clued in too, and they had all in turn given her a warm reaction, if not still a bit tenuous.

Dís was right, menfolk when it came to this sort of thing were truly fish out of water. Thorin looked up at her with a soft smile. "There are no words, no reward I could ever give you that would be equal to what you have given and done for me." He said seriously, he meant what he said; if he could put a price on what she had done for him and his kin, he would pay it without question.

Liruliniel smiled, she knelt down and straightened up much to his trying to stop her. Yet she waved him away, she was now on the same eye level as him and she preferred it that way in a way. She couldn't describe it. "Thorin, you are my friend and there is nothing that I would expect to get given for what I have done for you, and your kin. I did what I did out of love, and out of friendship. If I had to do it again, I would. Only, I suppose not so frankly now, considering." She laughed quietly and placed a hand on her stomach. Thorin nodded his head, a smile appearing on his face too as he couldn't help but agree. She looked up though when she heard the others come close. "I will miss you all, very much. If there is ever a celebration, please do invite me. I would love to see you all again, likewise, I will send one out to you all. Even if a certain someone may have a comment. You are all welcome within my home." She said, wiping a thumb under her eye and laughing quietly, Dís did say her emotions may be heightened and fluctuate at any time. Turning to Bilbo, Liruliniel smiled. "I am sorry we cannot travel back together. But you have Gandalf, you will be fine."

"Oh, it is all right. I understand completely." Bilbo said, feigning nonchalance as most eyes flickered to him and he just sniffed and shrugged casually. Truthfully, if he were to travel back with a pregnant elf-Princess, Bilbo would definitely feel the pressure to make sure she got home safely. He'd have loved to have travelled back with Liruliniel, but the pressure...not so much.

Thorin placed a hand on her shoulder, earning Liruliniel to look at him suddenly confused. "You say there is nothing you would ask for, yet it stands to reason that you deserve something regardless. I know nothing can compare to what you have done for us all, but at least take this as a token of appreciation." Liruliniel was baffled, yet watched as Bofur and Bifur ran off quickly to collect something then came back with a small parcel.

Thorin took it gently and gave it to her, Liruliniel, although kneeling on the dry grass which had started to regrow outside Erebor, took to opening the paper gently. Taking the string away, and opening the paper gently she was all but taken back by the sight before her. Her fingers trailed over the smooth filigree pattern, the shimmering and shining silver had her eyes widening as she could feel them pricking with tears. Thorin held a hand up to try and start consoling her, but it was too late; she started crying and all but pulled him into a tight embrace.

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