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Liruliniel didn't know how long she slept, she just knew that when her eyes did finally open that her head registered aches and pains within her body before she even properly woke. She pushed herself off and up from the bed, she looked at the indent she made and blinked simply. Biting her lip and turning on her heels, she paused before back tracking. She made the bed again, it now looked perfect and not slept in. Once she was done she then retreated from the room, she peered in one last time before shutting the door. Running a hand down the wood, she just nodded slowly. Patting it and turning towards the bathroom, she had already resigned the fact that there were two rooms here that she'd never enter, unless she needed to.

Liruliniel commenced running herself a bath, she poured milky coloured liquid into the clear water. Soon enough an apple scented fragrance entered the room, her eyes blandly watched the steam rise in the room and drift about. With a sigh and stripping herself of her horrendously dirty clothes, she left them in a heap and climbed into the hot water. She winced a little due to it being hotter than she thought. She undid what remained of her braided hair and submerged herself slowly. Her eyes squeezed shut as she laid there, it was so silent and all she could hear was her steady pulse thrumming away in her ears.

By the time she needed to breathe, she gasped and coughed a little. She swept her hair out of her face along with water and looked downwards. The water had steadily turned grimy, she wasn't surprised at all. She was more surprised it hadn't turned as such as soon as she stepped foot into the bath. She quickly washed herself and her hair and soon left, draining the water and wrapping herself up into soft, clean towelling she left the room. She stood in the corridor and looked sidelong towards the main living quarters.

Her heart inexplicably picked up, her eyes burned and Liruliniel soon realised she was just standing silently crying. She had grown used to living here alone, but this was for definite and that well and truly sunk in now. She walked into her room, opening the wardrobe she skimmed through the items of clothes hanging simply. Plucking out a brownish hued tunic she hunted out a dark pair of trousers and threw them onto the bed. Drying herself off and pulling clean underwear on before her main clothes, she then stood there tying her sword belt around herself before countering her hair.

By the time she was done, Liruliniel was walking through the corridors of the palace finishing braiding her hair all up. She'd looped gloves under and over her belt, and she pulled these free to tug them on. She rolled the sleeves of her tunic up and flexed her fingers slowly. Reaching behind herself she felt for the hood which was attached to her top, she pulled it over her head and kept her face lowered as she continued on her way. Not many looked her way, not that that wasn't unusual. She wasted little time turning the corner and making her way to the communal area, she hesitantly paused. She wasn't expecting the vast hall to still be so packed, but then she guessed she must've woken up earlier than she thought.

"Liruliniel!" Her eyes slowly drifted over, Anameleth was waving gently her way. Liruliniel sighed and moved over, she sat down beside the younger elf girl and rested her arms on the table. She stared at her dark gloved clad hands and sighed again. "Were you just going to leave again?" Anameleth asked, tilting her head curiously. She saw the look on Liruliniel's face when she first entered the room. It did look like she was going to bolt before she called out.

Liruliniel's eyes slid over to look at her sidelong, she pushed the hood from her head and shook her many braided hair free. "I find myself feeling sick, being surrounded by so many people now. It isn't that I do not trust you, or anyone here; but I don't like the feeling." She explained slowly, she felt anxious. She felt incredibly anxious, she could feel the sensation bubbling up within her stomach and it was making her feel really unwell. She rubbed at her forehead and leaned against her hand with her eyes shut.

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