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Liruliniel was woken up by the sounds of quiet chatter; in truth, she didn't even realise she went to sleep. When exactly did this happen? She didn't know. She did know she didn't feel particularly rested from her brief sleep. She frowned confusedly, her head tilting upwards against the floor as her eyes stared onwards. She raised an eyebrow, slowly she rolled over onto her stomach. She just laid there, her eyes flicking between one figure and then the other. Her eyes widened though when it seemed the little discussion was getting heated.

"Stop it," she said firmly, one hand grabbed onto Legolas's shoulder and the other went against the elf girl's. "What has happened to cause you to squabble so loudly?" She knelt down, removing her hands when it seemed like both had calmed down. She looked expectedly at Legolas, she did not know the young girl's name yet she got stared at too. "Won't say? I wonder how your father would react to hear you picking fights with young girls."

Legolas's eyes widened and he looked at her fiercely. "I didn't start it! She wanted to wake you, and I said no because you are tired. She wasn't going to listen to me, and was going to do it anyway."

Liruliniel rolled her eyes to the girl, she looked put out that Legolas had confessed so easily. "I wouldn't have been very happy if you woke me." Liruliniel sat cross legged and looked between the pair. Legolas was the first to sit, the girl following suit. "I do not recall seeing you before. What is your name?" She asked softly, she looked over the auburn haired elf. She looked a little despondent, like she didn't want to answer Liruliniel. She glanced at Legolas, "What is the name of your friend, Legolas?" If the girl wouldn't answer, maybe he would.

"Her name is Tauriel. She comes down here when she thinks others don't know." Legolas crossed his arms over his tunic and frowned onwards, right at Tauriel.

Liruliniel smiled, looking at the silent girl she couldn't help but laugh. Tauriel frowned her way, "I used to do that all the time. I still do when I need time alone, are you in training?" Liruliniel asked while leaning her elbow against her knee and looking at her for an answer.

"No. No, I am not."

"Would you like to be?" Liruliniel asked with a smirk while moving to lean her chin against her palm. Legolas double took while Tauriel looked utterly confused.

"I...yes, but I do not know how..."

Liruliniel gestured a hand at herself, slightly dramatically. Tauriel looked lost again and looked to Legolas for some help. He sighed, "She means herself. She's currently aiding me in training. Do you wish to join us?" Legolas asked while leaning back against his hands.

Tauriel looked at Liruliniel seriously, "You would do that?"

"I've been in your position, Tauriel. I know how much of a struggle it is. As long as you're willing to have me as a tutor, then sure." Liruliniel mused, it just cemented her earlier thoughts. Although she inhaled deeply in thought. Guards, she didn't honestly know how others would come about but she doubted she'd be allowed to have an input. Was she even going to be allowed to continue to be one after her altercation with Baramaethor?

"I want to be a guard."

Liruliniel laughed quietly. Tauriel seemingly took this badly and glared at her. "Then do it! I am not laughing at you, I find myself sitting here musing over the parallels of us. I wanted to be a guard, I wanted to guard Legolas's grandfather, and father. His mother too, if I were able." She smiled softly, even clasping a hand on the boy's shoulder when he looked sadly down at his lap.

"I want to protect our lands."

"My brother wanted the same thing. That's why he enlisted in the army." Liruliniel explained, watching Tauriel nod away slowly, she seemed interested by her words. At least she wasn't looking so grumpy anymore.

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