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Liruliniel didn't rise for a few days, three to be exact. She didn't exit her home, nor did she even leave her bed unless she desperately needed to. She stayed hidden away in the safety of familiar scents and rooms, ignoring the door if it was knocked on and didn't listen if someone spoke through it. She wasn't feeling very sociable at the moment. She'd often just lay on her bed, staring up at her ceiling. She washed and changed with each passing day, but she never really did anything.

One day though, after dwelling and being lost in her own head for too long, she found her armour and set to setting it up on a makeshift mannequin she made to look at it. Liruliniel wasn't a smith, but she had learned certain things from a smith. She looked at her hands, turning them over and eyeing up her palms, she slowly looked at the mannequin with her armour resting on it. Unwittingly her eyes drifted and stared at Silmacil. Her grandfather had the skills of crafting, he was too good at it and it led to his death, and his families.

Bitterly, Liruliniel hunted around her home for things to use to mend what was broken. She had seen her father fix his armour before, not wishing to bother the smith here. It meant entering his room, again. Liruliniel was slowly going back on her vow of not coming into this room, same went for Thalion's. On one of the days where she simply trudged around brooding, she had methodically gone through both rooms to see if she could garner anymore information.

She failed, ultimately whatever may have existed was no doubt lost and forgotten about. Either remaining in Ered Luin, or Amon Lanc. Both destinations were a no to her. One was too far away, and she didn't find herself wishing to travel at the moment. And the other was taken over, it was taken over and despite it being a taboo subject; Liruliniel could still very well feel something wasn't right within the woodland around her. She kept silent, even as she managed to find the small pouch of tools that she was looking for. It was hidden away in a drawer, she left her father's room and returned back to the main one.

But there was something sick growing within the trees. She didn't tell anyone, because she was rather sure she'd either get ignored, or laughed at. Because she always had to bring about a prophecy of ill will. She reached behind herself and tied her hair off her neck. She was wearing a simple sleeveless tunic, it had sleeves originally but she cut them off when training with Veryan got gradually tougher. Of course, she wouldn't go charging into battle with uncovered arms. But summers in Imladris were hot.

Without having sleeves made her ability to work here so much easier. She lifted the chain which had the kink in it, she had found the buckled piece of shoulder plating too. Looking over the mannequins shoulder, she looked to the small mallet which was in the pouch. And it was small, the hammer of it was barely the size of her palm. She tweezed at the chain, managing to bend and manipulate it back into position. She gave it a reassuring hit a few times with the small hammer, she didn't know if that actually did anything she just thought it was something that smiths did a lot of.

What did she know? She knew nothing of the arts, this was new to her. She was bored, she didn't wish to go out and like her father: she didn't want to bother the smith. The shoulder plate gave up more of a fight, but eventually she managed to get it back into position too, even with a friendly hit with the mallet. Standing back, she crossed her arms with a sigh. Looking to the side, she eyed up her weapons. Tilting her head and reaching forwards, she strapped them to the mannequin. There was definitely more sharp weapons on there than what she would surely ever carry.

Would she truly be able to still be a guard? A guard guarding another royal...that seemed like a beginnings of a joke to her. Let alone being a specific guard to look out for royalty. Definitely the beginnings of a bad joke. She couldn't imagine it was something which would be welcomed openly. That's why kings and queens had armies, right? To have people to fight for them, to protect them and such so they wouldn't need to. Although that obviously didn't stop royalty in the past fight which happened, but mostly they tended not to get involved. King Durin for example, he sent dwarves, he himself didn't come. That proved her point enough, she was not going to be allowed near a battlefield, any time soon that was for sure.

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