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Rising with the dull aches lingering in heavy limbs, Liruliniel sat herself up slowly and looked around the room. Tilting her head, she winced when her neck gave a satisfying click. Looking at the blanket that fell from her form, she glanced to the chair. She couldn't help a fond smile to grace her face at the sight of the hobbit curled up, his arms circled around a pillow and clinging to it desperately as his face nestled against the soft material. He did look comfortable, she had to admit that much, a lot more comfortable than what she was. But then, surely she must have been somewhat comfortable or else she wouldn't have gone to sleep, Liruliniel frowned, no her mind gave up on running over her last conversation and she just went. She didn't remember falling asleep, she just went.

Inhaling slowly, she patted her knees and stood, the blanket was limp in her grasp before she started to fold it up. Placing it on the back of the chair, she crouched down with an arm balanced on the rest where Bilbo's head resided. Her other arm lifted and with a gentle hand, she shook him. Liruliniel looked at him apologetically when he seemed to come to with a start. Bilbo's mind was clearly reeling and catching up to his now awake state, but blinking slowly he looked a little less hazily at her.

"I am sorry to wake you, Bilbo. But are you hungry?" Liruliniel seemed to say the magic words as his eyes lit up, though he seemed to try and hide his excitement at the prospect of food by coughing and patting the cushion he was previously hugging, before placing it back in its original place.

"I don't want to be any trouble."

"My friend, we need to concoct a plan in getting the dwarves out. And I for one find that it is best scheming such things up, while having a full stomach. We have the means, but we need to flesh our idea out a little." Liruliniel said while standing slowly and watching his face turn thoughtful, surely he didn't think it would be as simple as getting the dwarves out of the cells, then to the cellar? Liruliniel sighed, she supposed there was something else which needed to be stated: "You're going to need a tour, of the route you'll be taking."

"But you'll be with me, won't you?" Bilbo looked up at her almost pleadingly. He didn't seem fond of the idea of doing this alone, yes, he had been through worse things thus far on his own. He didn't think he'd do this on his own, seems she was right here willingly offering aid.

"Bilbo," Liruliniel sighed and crouched back down, Bilbo now being taller than her fidgeted a little in his seat and placed his hands on his knees. "There is a festival tonight, well, I say tonight but really it last pretty much right through until tomorrow morning when everyone is clearly hungover and reminiscing about, well, the whole day and night's events...I digress, I can't go missing, Bilbo, I can't. I could. But, well, if I hide away I believe that will make someone believe that I am not all right." Liruliniel rambled out a bit jumbled and frazzled sounding, Bilbo looked confused. She smiled sheepishly at him and sighed, he didn't need to know her problems.

"You looked sad," Bilbo, ever the observational hobbit just came out with it, Liruliniel blinked and looked up at him hesitantly. "Last night, I...I saw you laying there, and I covered you over but you looked very sad." He sounded a bit flustered, he swore his cheeks were tinted a little red yet continued on with a short sigh.

"I was sad."

"Oh." Bilbo wasn't expecting her to flat out come out with it. "Are you...well?" He winced, that was stupid, of course she isn't well if she's sad feeling.

Liruliniel smiled, he was sweet, in a very awkward way. "I had an argument, well, I wasn't even really arguing. I was speaking civilly." Liruliniel scratching a finger to her temple and looked to Bilbo and his poor confused face, he was nodding, attempting to understand. "I am unsure whether you have noticed, but our King here can be very...trying, to say the least. He said things he probably shouldn't have, and it hurt. It hurts to see what your efforts could be reduced to, in a split second."

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