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She'd been here before, in this situation, the fading shadows of things moving around her, the sound of rushing wind; almost howling loudly along with the echoed voices around her. Liruliniel was dreaming. Her eyes opened, and all that was around her was an ashen grey landscape with figures running slowly around, their details were blurred as if someone had erased them slightly, just leaving the loose outlines to give a pretence to this being someone. She couldn't tell one figure apart from another, she didn't know who was who or what was what. The larger built forms she presumed were the enemy, orcs or even worse yet: uruk-hai. These were stronger, faster, slightly more heavier built and more skilled than the average orc. Liruliniel hadn't encountered many, if any, even in patrols with Elrond. These were clearly going to get bought out for the battle as a possible advantage.

Forms and figures fell and ran around her, and she just stood there. Firstly, when she started having dreams, she would run. She would run and try and escape, but it was like she was in water; she could run with all her might, but she was treading water. Her legs refused to lift, they refused to even move at times. Sometimes it felt like she was completely sinking, drowning even. Often times she would end up getting swamped with shadows and wake up gasping.

Sometimes she could hear voices, but it was rare. Whispering phrases which were gone as quickly as they appeared, she barely understood what was being said. An underlining whisper was constant, however this she could hear all too clearly. She did not understand black speech, but she didn't need to understand the meaning. Death, despair, meaningless fighting because this was already for naught. Liruliniel didn't believe that though, to live a life free from oppression was definitely worth fighting for. No matter the cost, to be free from the chains which this evil would bind them all with was worth it.

Frowning though, she could hear that low whisper, the words seemed kind sounding almost, tempting in a way. Liruliniel blocked it from her mind. She knew about Sauron, as much as she could learn or as much as Elrond wished to tell her. He was a deceiver, a liar and a tormentor. A giver of fake promises and lies. How else did he become like he did? He betrayed, murdered and lied his way to power. Of course one such as that would be perceptive to those which were equally aware of him. Liruliniel had been hearing Sauron's whispering words since she was young, not immediately, but perhaps after the fourth of fifth vision he had become aware, somehow. Since then she'd hear his words, not totally understanding but knowing the meaning still. It changed and morphed, sometimes it was mocking, sometimes it was saying how fruitless the fighting was, other times it was plainly trying to pull her to the other side; the other side where there wouldn't be any judging, where she'd be accepted. She wasn't a fool, well, she was...but she wasn't a total idiot. How useful would someone be to Sauron, if they could perhaps see the future?

She could take everyone's views on her, sadly and albeit grudgingly; but she loved her people, and she loved her home and no matter the false promises, she wouldn't turn her back on her kin or home. Never. The whisperings continued though. Uncaring of her naïvety. Liruliniel wasn't naïve. She had been having dreams of war since she was young. She knew the cost, she knew the price of all of this and yes, she wasn't ready, but she wasn't naïve to what it meant.

A strangled screeching noise echoed suddenly through the misty air. Liruliniel turned, the noise grew in volume; it turned higher, to the point of it ringing in her ears. Her eyes scrunched shut slowly as she put her hands to her ears, what was that awful noise? She hadn't heard anything so dreadful in her whole life. And it was dreadful, the sound made her head hurt, her ears ring; it travelled through her, made her bones hurt and her stomach drop. Anything that sounded like this, could only be equally horrendous in person. She sunk to her knees and lifted her head, just as massive black wings blanked out what little light was in the landscape. Forms and figures sunk around her, and with a bright flash Liruliniel could spy what it was.

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