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Even as he sought air from the crushing kiss Thranduil sent in Liruliniel's way, he still ghosted his lips down her jaw and neck. He could smell the herbs which were no doubt hurriedly mixed and used to go onto her wound. The bandages themselves smelt equally of fresh linen and from how she struggled to move her arm, it seemed the gauze material went under and around her upper arm. Here he tentatively pressed his lips against the concealed skin, still in his arms, Liruliniel wrapped her arms around his shoulders and combed her fingers through his hair. The soft almost white strands got twisted gently in and amongst her fingers, her head rested against his as he stood there still holding her like she weighed nothing at all.

"Goheno nin, meleth nîn." Thranduil's voice was muffled from where he gently nestled against her, his fingers coming to cling against the nightgown.

"Thranduil, there is nothing to forgive you for." Liruliniel said while managing to free herself. She slid to the floor and cupped his face in her hands. She was met with a disagreeing, yet a saddened face. Liruliniel smiled, "Why should you be seeking forgiveness from me?" She tilted her head to the side while brushing hair over his ear and looking at him patiently and calmly.

His eyes looked stormy, like a conflict of emotions were raging within him. Or he just didn't understand why she would ask such a thing. "Because-"

"It was rhetorical. I know why you seek it, and I'm not giving it because there is no reason for it. None of this is because of you, none of this happened because of you. I am hurt, not through any actions of yours. I am hurt because of a fool." Liruliniel said in a quiet tone, light sounding within the dimly lit room. The candles which were burning here seemed to be ebbing down, which left the moonlight to flood the room with pale, silver light. "Is that enough?"

Thranduil mutely nodded, his lips in a thin line while his hand gently edged around the bandage. "How bad is it?" He asked though, nodding over her words, feeling appeased that she held no bad feelings against him, for not listening to her and her inclination towards Voronwë.

Liruliniel shrugged with her good shoulder. "I will heal. Tauriel took the brunt when she blocked the knife. If that elf used anything bigger, then, well...I think we know I may not be here." Liruliniel saw his look harden, she placed a hand to his cheek again. "I am here, Thranduil. I am here." She repeated in a firmer tone, imploring him to listen to her that she was not going to suddenly disappear.

"I thought for a moment I had lost you." Thranduil admitted, though she evidently already knew that. Liruliniel still looked at him with a calm smile on her face, her thumb stroking his cheek soothingly as he confessed to her. "For a split second, and in that moment all I could do was freeze. I heard your scream and-"

"Thranduil, stop. You are going to replay this over, and you will make yourself worse for it. Listen, I am fine. Perhaps a little shaken up, but I am fine. Which can't be said to those that were escorted out. I will heal, and I will be back to my usual self in no time!"

"I do not think an injured shoulder will deter you much." He rolled his eyes, he couldn't imagine her slowing down regardless of her injury. "But he is lucky that is all I did." He said referring to Voronwë and the few that were left out in the cold.

"You're not vengeful, Thranduil."

"For you I could be." Thranduil took her hand from his cheek and kissed her knuckles gently. He just looked down at her while he did so, her cheeks flushing a little and he smirked against her skin.

Liruliniel shook her head, "That is a clear path towards hatred and darkness, and I will not have you walk that way, even for me." She whispered, her voice trailing off a little as he cupped her face and leaned down, even with their lips being so close he didn't close the gap. Instead he let her finished speaking as his eyes stared into hers. He registered what she said before finally eradicating what space was between them.

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