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Esgaroth was interesting, in an extremely bleak kind of way. Liruliniel wasn't sure what she was expecting, she hadn't really ever seen mortal homes as such. But this place was very close together, the buildings almost collapsing into each other and the icy waters ran under all the wharfs and boards which connected throughout the town.

As usual, she was the smallest person in the company. The other guards looked sceptical, she still wore her forest green tunic while they stood in their beautiful silver and muted gold armour and tunics underneath. Their helmets hid most of their faces, so Liruliniel didn't actually know who they were. She could just see their eyes, and there was something a bit sinister about that, but she guessed she better get used to it. This was going to be her life soon. She hadn't even seen her brother or father to tell the news to them. Though considering the amount gathered, and the news travelling throughout such a small community, they'd know.

"I will train you," Oropher had said suddenly when they were still travelling down. He was on a horse, Arthion looked put out he wasn't coming but...he was large, and honestly the people of this town on the lake would probably be startled.


"I already told you, your father is unable to do both."

"Can I ask you something, sire?" Liruliniel asked, she was walking beside the horse, much like the other guards. Oropher just glanced at her, she took this as a yes. "Are you bored?" Someone stumbled behind her and Liruliniel glanced over her shoulder, the elves, two of them, looked at her with narrowed eyes. Was she not allowed to ask such a simple thing?

"It's a valid question. Sometimes, when one is so used to action, to fighting and moving, being still for too long is unknown. But it can also be incredibly dull. I am not opting to do this out of boredom, I am opting to do this to help you." He had said, Liruliniel hadn't replied, she went silent and just thought over everything.

Even now as she stood outside a door to what could be presumably the town hall of this place, Liruliniel looked around. The town was peculiar, only because it was unknown to her. Some of the homes she could consider cosy looking, if it wasn't for the fact they seemed to be sagging. Could she envision living in such a place? Probably not. She knew she grew bored of the same old corridors back in Amon Lanc, at a push the new palace was a bit like that too, but here was different. She hadn't been in an actual house. Was that strange? What was it like in there? Was it big? Was it spacious? How many rooms were there? Above all this, Liruliniel caught herself thinking over the most important thing: what were the people like? She hadn't encountered many mortals, in fact she couldn't name one she knew. She didn't know what they were like, other than what others had told her. Caladhiel had said they were selfish, often fickle and rather quick to anger and judgement. But that was secondhand information, Liruliniel wanted to know herself what people were like. But then again, the people that were walking about the square before her didn't look too welcoming at all. They side eyed the elves with narrowed, suspicious eyes. They didn't trust them, let alone like them. Liruliniel couldn't help but muse over that, why didn't they like them?

Liruliniel tilted her head in thought, her eyes drifting around before pausing. Erebor loomed in the distance. She could see it, this big peak growing out of the horizon. Even from here she could spy snow on the top of it. Narrowing her eyes in thought, she looked at the two royal guards which hadn't gone in with Oropher, "Have you ever been to the Mountain?" She asked curiously, she looked between them, and neither answered. She pouted, Liruliniel sighed. Was not talking a thing? But then she remembered Oropher had said he'd like to have someone who talked to him. She slowly smiled, she got the feeling that really he was bored. Even if he didn't verbally say it, she got that feeling.

Oropher was king, yes, but he was a king with a settled kingdom and a son soon to be wed; there was peace and there was regular trade and everything was civil. He had said it himself, unknown is different. He'd been used to constant movement, fighting, meetings nearly everything and anything there. This peace was probably very unreal to him. Liruliniel wondered if Oropher ever foresaw this ever happening?

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