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"You never said what you wanted if you won." Thranduil said while climbing over some jutting out roots which seemed to wrap and coil around an ashy coloured boulder. He lost. It was close but Liruliniel seemingly was still the faster out of them. It irked him, just a little. But it was all in good nature and fun.

Liruliniel's head peeped up from out of a small crevice she had managed to worm herself into. Thranduil double took, how she managed that, he didn't know. He sometimes found it best not to question her, or what she did or could do. "I don't want anything from you." She said while throwing her arms over the edge and practically hauling herself out. It wasn't dignified, but it got her out of the hole. She stood up and brushed her armour down.

"Nothing?" Thranduil sounded sceptical, this seemed a little good to be true. Something had to be amiss, surely?

Liruliniel frowned lightly, a small smile tugging at her lips as she looked to the side and hopped upwards to another part of the mountainside. They hadn't fully scaled it, they were merely around the base just walking about. Or in Liruliniel's case, climbing about. The elf couldn't help but not climb. If there was a chance for her to scamper up something, she was there. "Nothing." She repeated jumping up and kicking against the slightly smooth surface before she found purchase and managed to get to the next jutting out piece of rock. It seemed like a natural ledge, so she sat down and swung her legs over the edge. "Is that honestly so hard to believe? I want nothing from you, Thranduil." Much like most times, when out of the presence of other elves, titles were well and truly dropped.

Thranduil looked around the mountain, he was trying to scope out a better way up to where she was. It seemed like there wasn't, so much like her he had to leap and climb and scramble before sitting down beside her. "I don't find it hard to believe, I find it incredibly hard to believe."

"I'm not a taker," Liruliniel said, waving a hand casually in the air. She could have moments of being an opportunist, but who didn't? That was different than always presuming and taking whatever she could get from people. That just wasn't her.

From their vantage point they could see most of the treetops, they weren't hugely high up off the ground on this ledge, but they were high enough that they could spy just the tips of the palace. The sky above was a bright blue, a calming colour with even calmer white clouds floating about. There was a slight breeze, warm in a way yet chilly in another. Spring was still loitering around which made the air crisp and the leaves on the trees and ground crisper still. The oranges melded seamlessly with the browns and lingering greens, and those which had fallen to the ground crunched underfoot. New life was starting to grow and return though, fresh buds could be spied on bushes, likewise new leaves were sprouting on boughs. The rocky surface beneath them was unchanging, dull even; but their forestry home was never going to be like that, it would always be in a state of change and the seasons would affect it in different ways, yet still make it look beautiful in a way.

"I'll still help you with your wedding though, if you want?" Liruliniel said, glancing over with a smile on her face. To be honest, the whole thing made her heart hurt a bit. But for his happiness, she'd help if she could. It's what friends did, after all.

"Even though you've admitted to possibly never being wed yourself? I mean no offence here, but how could you know what to do, if you've never dwelt on the prospect, Liruliniel?" Thranduil asked quite plainly and truthfully. He didn't see anything wrong with his question, although the blank look he got from her may have said otherwise.

"Unlike you, I have no prospects. I do not have a kingdom to offer a home to, or to rule with. I am a guard, so that would always come first. Newly appointed as I am, it makes no difference. If something came attacking us now, my priority would be your safety, Thranduil. Not everyone can understand that. I may not know what to do, you're right. But that does not mean I can't be a sounding board for ideas. But if you do not want my help, then fine." Liruliniel said with a growing frown appearing on her face as she leaned forwards against her knees. She looked down at the drop below, it wasn't terribly high and she'd land on her feet she was sure of it. Not that she had planned to slip off this ledge and down. But if this topic of conversation continued she might, and pray to the Valar that the ground would open up and swallow her as she landed.

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