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To say Thranduil was angry, was an understatement; do not get him wrong, he was used to Liruliniel ignoring him and what others said at times. It was an irritating trait of hers, that he wished she had quelled years ago. He hoped that something would kick in for her and she'd learn others told her to avoid doing things, for a reason. And he said no to patrols, for her safety. Was he acting slightly paranoid? Perhaps, but Thranduil believed his paranoia was rooted to genuine worries. Liruliniel was a very spontaneous being at times, ran head long at times not thinking of the consequences.

So of course, when he knocked on her door when morning came and he got no answer, he was sceptical. It wasn't particularly early in the morning, but late enough that she would surely be up. He could be mistaken, she could be out and walking the kingdom and the corridors of the palace. But something in him was niggling, a voice in his head was saying no. So he ventured in, he felt bad for trespassing into her new room but he worried.

He knocked hesitantly on her bedroom door, he got no answer so he opened it slowly. He realised how intrusive this was, but he looked upon the made bed with a frown. He turned swiftly on his heels and his eyes landed on where her armour used to be, Thranduil cursed himself and his momentary stupidity. How did he not realise that first? None of it remained on the rickety mannequin she had clearly constructed herself. She had gone. Despite what he said, and clearly having the same worries, she still went ahead and ignored him and gone out.

Thranduil walked purposely out of her room, even slamming the door behind himself. He radiated anger so obviously that those who passed him, warily stepped aside. His eyes furiously stared ahead, he didn't look around the corridor he was walking down and he could just feel more anger rising slowly up within himself. He was wound so tight, the slightest thing was going to set him off and he really didn't care who was on the receiving end right now, because he was raging. He knew, deep down, she was likely to try and go out. But he'd hoped someone would've seen her and stopped her. So how did she sneak out? She must've gone incredibly early.

He would storm out there himself and hunt her down if he had to. He didn't want her going outside, or at least alone. If he must he'd begrudgingly let her go on patrols. In hindsight, she was right; she had learned to fight and to protect, it seemed cruel to curb that. But, but now...no, not a chance. Thranduil didn't like disobedience, nor did he like being so freely ignored. He didn't open up freely with his concerns, so for her to just push these aside had him rushing more down the stairs he was descending.

He was passing the main gates when he heard her voice, Thranduil should've felt relief, the tension he was carrying should've dissipated along with his barely kept at bay anger. It didn't. The opposite happened, he turned and stalked his way towards where Liruliniel was standing talking to a guard. They seemed to be talking as if they were old friends, and it was bad to admit but her laughing and joking was making his mood sour even more.

The guard noticed him first, Thranduil could've sworn his complexion paled when he saw his king come moving over with such a purposeful stride and an expression that was so stormy it had nothing on the bad weather that hit them yesterday. Liruliniel turned, she looked confused before she smiled at him. The smiling had his eyes growing darker and more deadly, she seemed confused by his disposition then.

"You fool!" He all but shouted, standing close to her and watching the guard scamper off awkwardly. Liruliniel jumped and took a step back. She hadn't ever really been shouted at, least of all by him in such a venomous tone, it scared her. But it also upset her, her eyes widened slightly as her eyes teared up a bit. A small part of Thranduil's mind cursed him, full on degraded his idiocy for saying those two words like he did. Shouting aggressively had her physically stepping away, but he could see emotionally she would too.

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