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When it came to leaving, Liruliniel looked at the small pack which housed what little she was taking with her. To get a head start on the day, they were leaving incredibly early. She didn't even think the sun had rose yet, and here she was walking along the corridor. She hadn't ever heard the palace so silent, everyone was still sleeping clearly. There was a calmness to it though, something which eased her. It was fine, that was the feeling she was getting from the space; it was fine she was leaving, because she would return at some point and when she did, the space would be the same. Yet she wouldn't be.

How much would Liruliniel now differ from the Liruliniel which would walk back through the doors? She didn't know. She guessed that was the adventure part of all of this. The finding out. Even if she was doing this with some trepidation. There was something distinctly isolated with how she felt and what she was doing. There was no one she could relate to, or no one around that would understand. Would that still be the same when she returned?

Most likely, she wouldn't be surprised in all honesty. Inhaling the rich sent of earth and trees, she turned and walked steadily down the staircase which was suddenly before her. She was detouring, maybe dragging out leaving, because she wanted to remember her home. Not that she believed she'd forget it, but she wished to remember all the details she could. The staircases, straight stepped yet twisting in their stone settings to lead elsewhere. The pillars, steadfast and ornate and the walls, smooth and sturdy. All of which was light in colour and reflected the light which would come from the torches or the sun above.

Although at the moment, there was no sun. It was still early. Liruliniel walked into the stables, upon hearing footsteps, a large head suddenly peered over the stall. Arthion blinked slowly and watched her draw close. "I hope someone else comes and feeds you apples while I'm gone. Maybe I should hint at someone, hm?" Either the elk's owner, or his son. Someone, anyone, Liruliniel didn't mind who. "I'm going away for a bit, Arthion. I didn't get to say farewell yesterday, so I'm doing it now. I will miss you, my friend. But I will come back, I'm not going forever." She reached up and ruffled his fur, she got a snort for it before resting her forehead against his. She just listened to his steady breathing, the feel of his dark fur underneath her skin and just the feeling of him being alive, and here. She remembered the times where she was fearful of the young buck, but now that fear had turned to admiration. Because it was truly hard not to admire such an animal.

Pulling away, she patted his neck and reached into her pack. She held the apple up for him and he tucked in readily. Laughing quietly she said bye to him one last time before running out of the stables and making her way along the corridor. She guessed she had dragged this out for long enough, everyone was probably waiting for her. Though she felt bad for that, they would surely understand? This was a huge undertaking, especially of one so young. She hadn't been away from home, not without her family being around her. She was now going to have to adopt and hope to be accepted into a whole new family. She hoped Elrond's people were easy to get to know, but would also like her in return. Or else this whole thing could be hugely uncomfortable.

She halted when she got to the main entrance, mainly because she had zero inclination that there would be a farewell party gathered. Hérion and Thalion were to one side, but so was Caladhiel. Oropher, Thranduil and Vanadessë stood together. Before them were the elves wanting to return to their home. Liruliniel walked over, she instantly wrapped her arms around Thalion, her brother in return crushed her to himself. Hérion placed a hand on her shoulder when she peeled herself from Thalion, he just gave her this knowing look and she smiled. Didn't stop either tightly holding onto the other before Liruliniel turned to her former tutor.

Caladhiel sighed, there was nothing left to say that she hadn't the time Liruliniel first appeared to say bye to her. Caladhiel for one was surprised to suddenly get latched onto. She slowly lowered her arms and patted her back gently. As much as Liruliniel may have been a pest, she was ultimately the only female which Liruliniel had in her life; as such, she had looked at her as a step in mother, in a way. She had looked out for Liruliniel, and she had constantly bothered, just like a mother would've.

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