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Liruliniel's mood did not seem to shift from annoyed, she was uncertain which or what irritated her more: being left in the dark, or being privy to the bargaining chip. Which was worse? She had decided that actually both were probably as bad as each other. One did not outdo the other, but she had found that it left her in a sour mood that wasn't going away.

She was curious though, curious over just how the dwarves managed to clearly get in the state they were in. If the others looked like Thorin did, then they took a seriously wrong turn somewhere. It wasn't unheard of for travellers to get lost, to take wrong turns or get turned about and confused. The miasma over the forest made even the wisest second guess themselves.

But, for her curiosity to get answers, she needed to find those that bought the dwarves in. It just so happened that marching through the corridors and peering in anywhere and any room paid off eventually. Legolas and Tauriel spotted her just as she did the same, with a tense smile she walked briskly in their direction. Legolas's eyes narrowed slowly, his eyes perceiving that not all was well with her, while Tauriel just inhaled slowly. She wasn't blind to the angered look in Liruliniel's eyes either, but rather opted to not mention it. They both knew their friend would come out with whatever was bothering her when she was good and ready.

"You accompanied the dwarves here, did you not?"

Legolas's eyes couldn't help but slide to the side with disdain. "Yes, and what is it you wish to know?" Legolas had heard from his father Liruliniel's taking too befriending dwarves. Being friendly wasn't always bad, but even Legolas knew that the dwarves were likely to throw that back in her face some day. He didn't wish to see Liruliniel disheartened and hurt from such a thing.

"Were any hurt?"

Tauriel and Legolas exchanged a look before looking back at her. Liruliniel looked patiently at them, if any were hurt then she'd need to find medical herbs. "No," Tauriel answered slowly and uncertainly as to why they would be aware to such a thing. She was definitely certain that if any were injured, they'd rather keep it secret than get medical assistance from any of their healers.

"Can I just ask what exactly happened?" She wasn't aware to the reports which were given, if they had been given yet, and she doubted really that Thranduil would openly tell her now. Things may be a little awkward and terse between them. Unfortunately, dwarves and a memory were hard topics apparently for the two of them to level headed converse about. In some way or another, one would get offended and hurt, it had happened before. It would probably happen again.

"They were found wandering, making enough noise to wake most spiders from any nearby nests. In fact, they did, they were caught and almost met their demise. It seems though that they are more tenacious than credit can give them." Legolas said while crossing his arms loosely, he sounded almost bored retelling the unfortunate meeting.

Tauriel blinked and set her brown eyes worriedly on Liruliniel, she looked more annoyed now by Legolas and his flippant tone. Holding up a hand, Tauriel placed it hesitantly against her friend's shoulder. "None were harmed, they were freed and captured by us." Tauriel said in a more calm tone, Legolas just frowned her way to which Tauriel shot him a narrow eyed look. Her eyes then drifted back to Liruliniel who was looking at her boots with a saddened face. Tauriel thought Legolas may have had more tact than his father when confronted with a sensitive subject. "Are you well?" Tauriel ventured hesitantly, she was uncertain whether both herself and Legolas were ready for the answer, and in fact it was his turn to shoot her a look from her asking this.

It wasn't that he didn't worry for Liruliniel, of course he did, but unlike Tauriel, Legolas could evidently see when the older elf had had a disagreement with his father. It always put Liruliniel in a tense mood, despondent and irritable, rash and quick to find something to distract herself from the problem at hand. Unfortunately, Legolas was well aware to the fact that his father wasn't one for skirting around such a thing, Liruliniel had no qualms with facing things head on, but sometimes his father was one thing she'd rather not.

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