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"Despite of the obvious, I actually do not like the idea of going to sleep. I don't like the idea of what I may see, or what may happen because of what I see; to waste many hours prone, vulnerable, then wake and it is here; the new day." Liruliniel admitted quietly, her eyes narrowing a fraction as she stared up at the tent roof, there was a slight breeze in the evening which made it flutter. She wondered if there was a storm rolling in, the wind seemed to have picked up since earlier on. She hoped if a storm did come, it would go by tomorrow. Fighting in the rain and all sorts was not pleasant, less pleasing than the fight itself. But it was often the way, she could not have a hand in this, she could only attend and do what was needed and hope that she would actually live to see the day after. Her prophecy of doom for herself still weighed her down, and she gave a small fidget in the bunk which she was laying in.

Thranduil was sitting on the edge, it was a narrow strip of rough fabric between a simple frame with a spare throw. It was rudimentary, he had not been too pleased but she had rolled her eyes plainly at him. He could not be picky about something he also could not help, and also: he wasn't the one who was to sleep in it. Ever with high expectations it seemed, he just accepted it for what it was and watched her bury herself as much as she could against the soft fur of the throw. It smelled of home, having come with him and the supplies he bought. The scent hanging onto it seemed to calm her, if only slightly. Still didn't mean she was at peace, he knew she wasn't at peace. The fact she laid here adamant in trying to stay awake said as much.

What was there to say? She needed sleep. She'd either go willingly, or her body would shut down and she'd collapse. He just rather that happen here, than on the battlefield. "I will be here," he commented after several moments of silence, her head tilted a little on the pillow to look his way. Thranduil patted the furs lightly, absentmindedly even, though it looked more like he was trying to determine whether she was fully tucked in enough and warm. Liruliniel smiled at the action nonetheless, he appeared a little awkward still with the acts of comfort it seemed. "So you will be safe, I will look after you." He stated, his eyes flicking sidelong at her as she turned slowly onto her side and nestled as much as she could against the thin pillow.

"That is reassuring," she said quietly, anyone else would've presumed she was being sarcastic.

He knew she wasn't, there was genuine thankfulness in her tone which had him remaining seated; just to make sure she drifted off without problems. The bunk they had set up was roughly where the trunks were in his tent. The thought of her sleeping in the watchtower, or elsewhere didn't bode well with him. It was something he wasn't even entertaining, she was staying within sight. Even if that meant moving an unused bunk into here. It was worked around the rest of the furniture and trunks, there was no trouble really.

Thranduil straightened a little and looked back at her when an eye peeped open, "Can you talk to me?" He raised and eyebrow, Liruliniel's eye slid close again. "About anything. Home, how you are, how everyone else is. Just talk about anything that comes to mind. Your voice is very calming and this silence is uncomfortable to me. It's like I'm just waiting..." Liruliniel explained, though she wasn't too sure what she was waiting for, sleep, perhaps? She didn't know, this silence was heavy, it didn't feel like the familiar feeling before sleep came knocking and calling.

Thranduil brushed a stray piece of hair over her ear and nodded, though she couldn't see it. "The palace and the rest of the kingdom is in lockdown; no one is to leave, with the army gone there aren't any real defences other than the guards, and even they can only do so much. The Lady Caladhiel seemed...unfazed to say the least that you had gone, worried as she was, she also seemed to accept it to have happened. Perhaps I was only fooling myself that you wouldn't go."

There was a tired smile on her face then, "I will always be loyal to you, Thranduil. But I am also loyal to my beliefs. I believed I was doing right, even though wrongs happened I would still repeat what I did. Doesn't mean I won't always be in your corner when you need me. But, well, you're fine...you don't need me guarding you really." She laughed quietly, she sounded definitely more asleep.

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