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Liruliniel wasn't sure what she was expecting when it came to her room, she wasn't expecting to be shoved into something akin to a cupboard; but at the same time, she wasn't expecting something as large as the room she was now standing in. It made her quarters back home look pitiful. Her room back there was small, impossibly small. But this, no, this was huge in comparison. She frowned, so her room back home was the cupboard, and this is what a normal bedroom looked like?

She didn't know, this was very different than what she knew. She had been quickly shown to her room by Elrond, it meant bypassing a still very shocked Lindir. Elrond hadn't told her off for their interaction, she believed she'd get the brunt of the scolding considering, but no, nothing happened. Upon entering he opened the large windows before saying if she needed him, ask for him. She was left alone then. Looking down at herself, she frowned. Well, she guessed she better get out of her armour. She couldn't exactly wander around in it, could she? And she intended to go wander, this place was massive. And though she was expecting herself to be more reserved, she actually wasn't. When she thought over it, yes, she was sad. She felt immensely sad. But shutting herself off wasn't going to help. She wanted to explore the lands in which she lived in, she had always wanted that and whenever she said it out loud she got sort of scoffed at. Here she was within one of the grandest cities, let alone elf city of the lands so how could she not go exploring?

She stored her armour in the trunk that was in the room, delicately laying it down and looking down at it fondly and sadly. Her hand remained on the lid, her eyes looking distantly downwards before she shut the trunk. Why did it feel like she had just shut away a piece of her life? It wouldn't be gone forever, she knew that deep down. There would be a time when she'd put it back on and, well, she didn't know...go back to guarding? She'd be back home by then, with any luck. Her nose twitched, or would she be here all the time? She turned on her heels and walked to the windows, that was a thought that hadn't crossed her mind yet.

She looked down at her tunic, yes she bought others with her but she was dragging it out. Fully changing out of the tunic which went underneath her armour just felt surreal, like the real end of something. She leaned her head against the wall and looked around the white curtains, they were practically see-through and blew in the wind which travelled through. She could hear chatter from outside, quiet busying elves getting on with their days. There was music somewhere in the distance too, maybe they were more musical here? There was something about the lilting tune which had her head moving from the wall and staring off at nothing. Not saying there wasn't music back home, but it was rare.

Moving to where she left her pack, she picked it up and took too unpacking. She kept out her forest green tunic and trousers, she changed quickly. Keeping the tunic she took off to one side to wash it, wash it and then store it she supposed. Looking down at herself, she nodded slowly. She got the feeling that the moment she stepped foot outside, she'd noticeably be different. Was that such a bad thing? Liruliniel raised an eyebrow, a slow smirk appearing on her face, if this place was dull, maybe it needed to be made entertaining?

Liruliniel believed she was good at a small number of things, pushing boundaries to see what she could get away with was one of those things. She turned to the door, her tongue running along her bottom lip in thought. If she did something wrong, she would get punished. There was no way around that, maybe she could try and work on her diplomatic skills? Although, she didn't think she could outdo Elrond in a battle of words. Maybe a different opponent...

Liruliniel was still smiling as she walked down the corridor, everything was so light and airy. She couldn't help but look up and around at everything, Elrond's descriptions of the trees was right, she groaned, when was he not right? Even as she passed windows she could see trees growing outside. It was all very controlled, none of the branches seemed to be coming inside. Exploring what the offerings there was for climbing about was second on the list.

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