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Relocating was something that Liruliniel did not believe she would ever have to do again. She could freely admit that each time she had, and she had too many times in her life, it always irked her somehow. It wasn't like she was moving to somewhere new completely, which was a bonus really. But having to pack everything and then move it all to her new rooms was just tiring. It wasn't just tiring, it was full on exhausting and by the time she thought she'd got everything up here, she collapsed on the floor surrounded by trunks, wrapped up parcels and a small bundle of weaponry.

She just laid there for a long time, looking up at the ceiling. A ceiling that was so unfamiliar to her, as ridiculous as that may seem, or sound. She had grown used to waking in her little room, turning and looking up at the rich chestnut coloured ceiling above her. She knew the grain, the knots and seams of the wood that made up the ceiling, and her room. Sure, it may have been a little cramped, but it was her space. This didn't feel like hers. Though she was sure it wouldn't take much to make it feel the same as her little room she left behind, Liruliniel was finding one thing nagging quite predominantly at her.

She couldn't be bothered. It was as simple as that, she couldn't be bothered. It took so much effort having to make a space feel like home, she shut her eyes and just listened to the silence surrounding her. At least that was the same, she took some solace on still having peace and quiet. But even still...her eyes slowly opened and she looked around herself, she had more things than she realised. Of course, she didn't bring furniture here, most of it was built in downstairs anyway. But that would've made things more awkward if she had. No, this space was still furnished and much to her hesitance, just like how Oropher left it.

Liruliniel's stomach turned, it felt weird! She couldn't help it, it just felt hugely weird moving into his room. She pushed herself up onto her elbows before her eyes landed on the desk in the room. To be honest, it was pretty much furnished the same way as Thranduil's, and in part Liruliniel believed most rooms looked a similar. When she thought about it, the rooms back in Imladris were all rather identical. So were the little rooms and homely spaces in Lórien.

Jumping up, she brushed her trousers down and walked to the desk. She tilted her head at the sight of things still being neatly stacked and present. Liruliniel's eyes slowly wandered up to the window beside her. She got the feeling that perhaps much like herself, once his father passed, Thranduil didn't enter this room often. She felt like she was trespassing in her own father's room, she felt like she was here and now, but she could only presume he may have felt a similar.

Which was strange to her that he'd give her this room still. He'd have to enter the space and see it as it is now, well, not right now because she could admit she'd made a horrible mess; but the rooms as how she'd want them to be, not his father's. Surely not recognising familiar settings wasn't good? Liruliniel's eyes narrowed in thought, or maybe it was the opposite. She could admit she felt somewhat freer from being away from her home, she'd miss it of course, but being away from the ghosts loitering in the unused rooms was liberating. Maybe it was the same here again? Changing an all too familiar space into something else to move on from what it once was.

Scratching her head in thought, Liruliniel decided to drop this line of thought. It was hurting her head, and her head had hurt enough today. So she turned, she turned and commenced dragging trunks of things into her new room. She forgot what she'd put in most trunks, but she'd have fun discovering hidden treasures again. It didn't take much to hang her clothes up in the large wardrobe present, nor did it take long to do the same with other items of clothing to be placed in the chest of drawers.

Once she was happy this was all done, she ventured into the adjoining room. The bathroom was considerably larger that was for sure. Unlike hers though, the bath within this room consisted of a stepped well that was built into the floor. There were slim trenches leading from it and out of the room, her eyes followed the grooves in the floor before reaching the windows, which were equally huge. A natural source of water was permanently being tapped into, but because of this and to avoid flooding, the narrow dents in the floor kept water forever leaving as it was coming in, straight outside.

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