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The dwelling in which the siblings lived in with their father was humble, like most of the quarters in which other elves lived in. Simple, it was all so simple. The fortress was a warren of corridors, rooms and endless stretching halls. Thranduil knew where Thalion and his sister lived, he hadn't ever visited, but he just knew. It was one of those weird things, just knowing where another soul was.

The invisible line in which they all dwelt wasn't something that was thought over really, elves weren't as petty as mortals; they didn't see how, even though his own rooms were lavish and grand, that even though Thranduil lived in wealth only due to his father coming to lead, and be in power, that it meant anything. It meant something, sure, but really they all lived together in the same community, if one thing was out of kilter then the rest of them would suffer. Where they came from, or where they lived, did not deter or detrimentally affect how they acted, or what they did. There was no such thing as jealousy either, one could envy the comparison if it happened between the sibling's simple lodgings, and Thranduil's ones, but jealousy had caused so much bad, so much evil to happen already within the world over something simple, that really what would be the point?

In some ways, Thranduil somewhat envied the simplicity of the sibling's home. Despite their father being so close to his, it didn't mean their home was any better than the elf next door. Thranduil guessed that was just the way things were; being royalty meant that one had to be surrounded by the things which showed status. Hérion was a soldier, his son was going to be a soldier too, and his daughter, well, his daughter was hell bent on the same goal. In all honesty, being surrounded by plush lodgings would probably throw the soldier in Hérion off. The thought of the serious elf finding himself lost walking about the rooms of what his father had accumulated, collected and created did make Thranduil smirk, just a little.

Knocking on the gnarled wood of the door, Thranduil stood back, hands behind his back and standing straight. His eyebrows slowly pulled into a frown, even as he stood here he could hear Thalion exclaiming something, clearly to Liruliniel. The door opened and Thalion literally double took, sea coloured eyes wide as the sun as he stared at his friend. It wasn't that they didn't have visitors, but their visitors were never members of their appointed royal family.

"Is it father?!"

Thalion's expression went blank as he frowned, "That's absurd. Why would he knock, on his own door?" Thalion shot over his shoulder, he slowly looked back at Thranduil. He just raised an eyebrow, not taking to heart that he was still standing on their doorstep. "Come in, sorry," he beckoned with a hand, Thalion just walked away from the door.

Thranduil looked about himself, Thalion had left him to it and Thranduil just turned and shut the door. Not that he was used to elves opening and shutting doors for him, but...anyway, the room in which he found himself in was something like a merger of rooms. In one corner was a small kitchen area, for the most part they all ate socially. It was rare to be solitary. But there was also a rickety looking table, with three chairs just for the family. Visitors didn't seat themselves there, well, unless it was business Hérion was discussing then Thranduil was sure the two siblings would be told to go to their rooms.

But this small communal room was cosy, there were seats near the fire and a pile of cushions. Somehow Thranduil got the feeling Liruliniel spent most of the time cross legged or laying on the latter, he could imagine her sitting there, mahogany hair appearing auburn and fiery in the light of the flames before her. Her bluer eyes sparkling almost as she just stared, Thranduil got the sense she would be enthralled watching the fire crackling about and the flames licking the wood within.

He rolled his eyes as he made his way more into the main room, too many thoughts spent on the younger elf there than normal, or needed. There was a small corridor leading off from the room, even from where he was standing he could spy four doors, three rooms and a bathroom perhaps? Thranduil didn't know, the layout to his father and his own dwellings weren't like this. The simplicity was beautiful in its own way.

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