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Even if Tilda and Sigrid were declining her aid, Liruliniel sought to finding some who may need it. She couldn't just stand back and watch everyone dismantle this camp; honestly, she didn't know that already those who had made it to the other side of the river before the full extent of Smaug's attack hit, had made it this far back. This camp stretched out further than she first thought, and though she had walked beside the sisters out of the shoreline camp, Liruliniel walked between the makeshift tents with a small frown.

She couldn't deny it, people were truly inventive and hardy; she admired them for it. They had lost everything, or near enough, yet here they were trying to help each other make tents, make rationed food; if only now to dismantle it all. Legolas had quipped about them turning on each other, in regards to Alfrid from what Liruliniel had overheard, she sort of understood it, but they seemed more together now. Maybe that was because of thanks to Bard talking sense into them.

Even now the dark haired male was walking about trying to rally everyone up and together to move. Winter was coming, but also the creeping nighttime would no doubt come around quicker than anyone thought. They needed to move, Dale was the only viable option and even Liruliniel knew that before he even mentioned it, or at least, inadvertently did so to Legolas. The fact the blonde elf was still around caused Liruliniel to frown slightly. He was not aiding, he was standing and watching.

Putting a bundle in a cart, which had miraculously got over here somehow, Liruliniel walked to his side. He didn't look too bought on the idea of everyone marching to Dale. Exchanging a look, Liruliniel dipped her head to the side. They couldn't stop them, these people needed a home. Even if that home was near Erebor, and without a dragon standing guard...things could get worse, whether these people knew it or not was something else entirely.

Hearing a voice that Liruliniel had come to find as displeasing and slithery as Smaug's, she wasn't surprised at all to see a still rather damp Alfrid skulking about. She couldn't help but frown, he wasn't helping his people. He was seemingly just walking about, apparently telling people what they were doing wrong, or to hurry up. That didn't seem right, Legolas gave her a look, a very understanding look. Yet it was enough to discourage her from speaking up.

Instead, she along with her friend watched Alfrid process the few words which Bard and Legolas shared. "The Mountain? You are genius, sire. We could take refuge inside the Mountain, it might smell a bit dragon; but the women can clean that up. It'll be safe, and warm and dry, and full of stores; bedding, clothing, the odd bit of gold." Alfrid's tone was drifting in and out of thoughtfulness and awareness of the fact that every so often, Bard would cast a look over his shoulder. He would stop packaging something up, to look in Alfrid's direction. Though Alfrid may have believed Bard was truly listening, the look on the latter's face said otherwise.

Bard couldn't be anymore against the idea of ransacking that Mountain if he even tried to think otherwise, no. It was just a no, the fact that Alfrid had thought of all this, didn't surprise him. How many others thought like this too, was a mystery to him. Yet, picking up the bundle he was securing, he turned and looked at the rather miserable faced man standing a few paces away. "What gold is in that Mountain, is cursed. We will take only what was promised to us, only what we need to rebuild our lives." Bard said, rather unblinkingly as he made his way towards Alfrid. He didn't seem struck on the words, yet just nodded mutely and got the secured stack of firewood dumped into his arms, rather unceremoniously too.

"News of the death of Smaug will have spread through the lands." Legolas said, Bard had walked past with a passing glance only to pause hearing the elf-Prince speak. "Others will now look to the Mountain, for its wealth, for its position."

Bard shifted his weight, he looked in Liruliniel's position as she helped some elderly lady take down her and some little children's tent. Legolas glanced over too, his expression turning knowing just by the look Bard sent back at him. "Do you know more than what she does? Lark has been many things, forthcoming with the truth is perhaps at the top of the list."

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