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"Don't elves have magic?" Liruliniel stood looking slightly dumbstruck for a moment, she had been absentmindedly looking at the fire blazing away, ignorant to what was going on around it. It was Bofur who'd asked, he had been appointed to retrieve more water for Kíli, in an attempt to lower his fever.

Liruliniel looked back at the struggling dwarf and sighed, "It isn't as simple as that." She said while scratching a finger to her temple. Bofur tilted his head and looked at her sceptically, "I am not as good as Lord Elrond. I would need herbs, medicine. It isn't the case of waving my hands, and behold!" Liruliniel explained, turning on her heels she followed Bofur back to the room. "Master Óin, Master Fíli, if I may? You said your duty is with the sick, if perchance we managed to find herbs or medicine in this town, would you allow me to tend to this wound which is afflicting our young friend?"

Óin muttered something that sounded an awful lot like: "Buttering us up by addressing us so politely." Which had Liruliniel sighing, she wasn't trying to do anything. She wanted permission, acceptance even. She didn't mean to be rude, but her healing techniques would be better than a dwarves.

"Yes, of course. Anything to help my brother." Fíli responded level headed and quiet, while also shooting a quick glare at Óin, the older dwarf just grumbled some more before nodding too.

In the background Bard could be heard rummaging through the cabinets, listing off the medicinal things he could find. Óin for one looked discouragingly at him, "None of those are of any use to me. Have you got any Kings Foil?"

"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs." Bard replied, as he sent a glance to the small group. The look which Liruliniel shot him was a confused one, between being appalled and shocked. She even walked over, leaned her hands against the table and tilted her head. Her eyes looked him up and down as if she was trying to figure out if she had heard right.

"Pigs? Weed? Right, don't move." Bofur perked up too, looking as if a great revelation had hit him. Pointing at Kíli had the poor dwarf groaning some more before he darted off away from them.

"I will come with you, I think." Liruliniel said with a sigh while slipping away from the table.

"Did I say something?" Bard was confused, so very confused.

"You use one of the most hardiest of plants, for pig food. Athelas deserves better than that." She sighed with a small smile, it was clear that really there was no proper apothecary here or else they'd have surely known how ridiculous that was? Regardless, she strapped her bow and quiver back in place, she trusted this family not to do anything ridiculous with her weapons, but she'd still rather have them with her. After all, there was an orc pack out there and in truth, Liruliniel had lived on the edge this past day enough thinking they'd make their presence known. Yet nothing, and she didn't like it. The silence was heavy, nervous and full of tension. It was hard to settle in that house, mainly because of poor Kíli, but just everything seemed wrong.

Bofur looked up at her when she appeared outside on the small porch with him. "Aye, suppose it makes sense for two to search. Although, I thought you'd prefer to stay in there."

"I am of no use there, not without medicine to use."

"So...elves can't do magic then?" Bofur asked while practically waddle running down the stairs, Liruliniel inhaled slowly and shut her eyes. She silently walked down them with her arms behind her back, shaking her head she pointed in a random direction. Bofur just nodded mutely and pointed in the opposite direction, between them they could cover more ground and find the pigpens.

It was cold, and it was dark; needless to say very little people out to question why she was walking about with a roaming eye and a tilted head. She was trying to listen to the familiar snorting of pigs, but also hoping her eyes would catch sight, she'd find the plant and run off back to Bard's home. So far, nothing. It was a large space to cover in such a rush, looking upwards, Liruliniel sighed again. Her breath came out in small plumes as she stepped back, only to hop and jump from a few crates to land on a roof.

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