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There was something inherently cold about Voronwë, he was as freezing and frigid as the winter weather which he and his kin had traversed through. The aura of general displacement which surrounded him made him a very hard character to gauge. Liruliniel was not expecting someone welcoming, that was ridiculous. Likewise, even Legolas seemed put off by this suppose long lost family member. Thranduil by far had the most obvious reaction despite not really doing anything. He didn't appreciate an army marching into his home, an army which was bigger than what he expected. Yes, he imagined a few, not this. No, it did not rival the forces within his kingdom, and it seemed like seeing this many armed had Imrathon acting a similar.

With a look exchanged between the pair, Imrathon merely inclined his head and departed down a corridor. Thranduil's stance straightened up more, not that he needed to appear taller than the leader before him, he was already that. But showing zero reaction to what was currently coming through his doors, was the best Thranduil could do to show he was in no way intimidated or potentially impressed so many had survived. To be honest, Thranduil wasn't sure if he was inclined either way. The former a definite no, the latter, a no too after a moment of thought. That wasn't to say he wasn't pleased, relieved, content perhaps that some of Vanadessë's kin were alive and...well would be pushing it, but alive. But it was more a miracle Thranduil guessed, that so many were standing here, he wasn't exactly aware to Voronwë having military prowess let alone a brilliant track record of, well, leading.

But his eyes narrowed minutely, his hands clasping tightly behind his back and absentmindedly his fingers twirling rings on his fingers. His eyes just watched the number pour in through the gates, eventually an end was in sight and the doors were pulled shut. A few flurries of snow swept inside too, but no one paid mind to the flakes as the guards returned to their positions. They tried to look casual over the armed forces too, but weren't as good as schooling their expressions into a mask of emotionlessness.

It was this current mask which was on Thranduil's face, his posture remained taught and his eyes narrowed sceptically. He was as forthcoming and welcoming as the blonde elf approaching where he stood. Thranduil stepped forwards, leaving behind Liruliniel and Legolas who - now having a space between them, - stepped together to close the gap his form left behind. There was something rather unnerving standing where they were, being stared at so blankly by so many weary eyes. At least when Thranduil was still present he took the brunt of those looks. Some of the elves hadn't ever seen him before, in fact most wouldn't have ever stepped foot within the forest and the kingdom before. Still didn't stop them looking so indifferent. But underneath that indifference was an agitated tension, exhaustion perhaps too was playing a part in the unease which seemed to be affecting and hanging over the visiting elves.

"I have a tremendously bad feeling about this." Legolas looked slowly to Liruliniel when she whispered this quietly, her polite smile and expression still in place as she continued looking onwards. He had to give her credit for keeping the façade up, despite of the words she had spoken. Her whispered voice didn't waver, and her lips barely moved so it was like she hadn't spoken at all, yet he heard her so clearly.

"Why do you say that?" Legolas's words had her tilting her head, a look flitted across her face as if she was sifting through memories and thoughts to find the correct way or terms to answer his question.

How could Liruliniel put it? There as a dissociated feeling travelling through her, as if she wasn't actually here at all. But she was, it was like she was airily watching these events from afar, but she wasn't. Something just didn't feel right to her, and she couldn't place the feeling. She'd had similar feelings before, and she had listened to them and managed to steer clear of anything bad. But glancing at Legolas, she could see he wanted a decisive, certain answer. "There is a tension, a feeling...it is like when faced with a great unknown, a sudden drop even. What do you do? What would you do? Turn back, face away, or do you run and jump; take a leap of faith and see where you land?" Liruliniel whispered, her voice low as a hand unconsciously came to her chest and fisted over her heart. It was still hammering away, and the borderline dirty looks didn't help. They were all trying to measure the stance of her and Legolas, just as much as they were trying to do with them. Liruliniel wondered if either party were successful, because she was still at a lost as to know how to feel or what to think of these visitors.

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