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The rest of the afternoon was spent generally just walking around the palace socialising. It wasn't until it was much later and nearing dinner that Liruliniel excused herself from the two royal elves. Thranduil just sent her a knowing look, knowing full well she was going off to find his father and discuss matters which, well, confused them both and worried the one who dreamt them. He would offer to go with her, but the look on her face said otherwise. She shook her head, this was truly something she needed to do alone. Not only that, with Thranduil would come Vanadessë, and Liruliniel did not want the princess being privy to her possible dream problems. It would be embarrassing, and awkward. It would surely cause questions to appear from the princess, questions which Liruliniel possibly didn't want to answer. It was going to be bad enough that Oropher would question her, and she'd have to reply. But the princess? No. Especially seems some ground had been made between the two females. Were they friends? Perhaps not yet. But with time perhaps a friendship would be forged, Liruliniel guessed she'd wait and see.

She walked the corridors, elves were busying around, some preparing dinner others making their ways to the communal areas to partake in sharing this time of day with others around them. Liruliniel however paid no heed, she was making her way to the one area where she knew for sure the king would be. His throne room. Oropher seemed to spend most time, if not in his study, then sat upon the antler adorned chair hearing messages out from surrounding kingdoms, but also any quibbles residents had. To be honest, Liruliniel could see why he'd grown bored. That seemed increasingly boring to her. But, well, responsibilities and all that.

She stepped to the side, watching those leave the large room. They were all talking amongst themselves, none of them looked her way. But to be honest, she was standing more in the shadows of the torches on the walls. When she was sure the room was cleared out, she moved inside quietly. Oropher still sat upon his throne, though he seemed to be moving when his eyes glanced upon her form. From the look on her face, he sat back down. She had something to say, and he sensed that. So he stayed seated, he would treat her like anyone else, regardless of what had happened.

"Sire, there is a matter in which I would like to discuss with you. But also, if you can aid me in some way, I would appreciate it hugely for I am confused." Liruliniel said, clasping her hands behind her back to hide the fact that they were shaking slightly. She was trying to tell herself that she was just another elf, with a problem and was seeking guidance from her leader. But her mind wasn't playing that game. It was going through all the problems and implications that was going to happen from her uttering this secret. It was one thing to tell his son, but his son had no power over decision making really.

Oropher looked down at her, he had changed since the last time she saw him. The richly coloured burgundy was replaced with a light cream, the light colour of his robe, tunic and trousers just made Oropher seem more ethereal. Simply put, with the torches burning in the room, they made the cream seemingly glow, and him along with it. "This better not be a resignation."

"No, no," Liruliniel smiled and shook her head. "Nothing of the sort, sire. You are stuck with me, I'm afraid."

Oropher smiled lightly, "Something I am sure I can suffer with. What is it?"

Liruliniel shifted from foot to foot, she looked down at her feet and thought of how best to start this. "I have seen things, sire. Things which I do not understand, and they come to me in dreams. I don't want to see these things anymore, but I do every night." Liruliniel spoke quietly, but still loud enough for him to hear. She didn't know how else to word it, so she just used a similar phrasing like she did with Thranduil.

Oropher shifted in his seat, Liruliniel heard the movement of material and looked up. He was looking at her sternly, not angrily or disappointedly, but questionably. He gripped the arms of the throne before standing, he silently made his way down towards her and she tried to not shift, but she couldn't help it. She took a few steps back, but all Oropher did was step forwards more. "You know, I have suspected for a while that there is something about you, Liruliniel. Something that is not beyond my grasp of understanding, but maybe it is with others. You already sensed darkness once, and it seems it is seeking you out again."

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