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Thalion's reaction to his sister being home was as she suspected, upon seeing her casually just leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, he darted over and picked her up. Both were annoyingly loud in comparison to the calm and quiet corridor around them. She had been pointed in the right direction to find him, and find him she did. Though she wasn't expecting him to pick her up and spin her around. She was in her armour, and he had clearly finished some training session because he was still in his. The armour clanked together and really, the whole thing looked cumbersome. But Liruliniel held on tightly around her brother's neck and laughed away as he guffawed over her being here, in his arms.

"Oh, let me get a good look at you." He suddenly put her at arm's length. Liruliniel blew out a sigh and looked at him. If anything, Thalion had become broader. He seemed stronger, if hauling her around just now was anything to go by. His brownish auburn hair had seemingly turned more brunette as his eyes had become a calming blue. He didn't look much different, but he seemed it in a way. She couldn't put her finger on it, yet he assessed her in return. He frowned and nodded, hummed and eyed her up and down.

It was like he was trying to figure something out. "What is it?" Liruliniel thought she'd just ask, she crossed her arms impatiently and looked at him.

Thalion held up his hands, "I half feared you wouldn't come back. I honestly believed that perhaps you had truly settled in Imladris, or, I don't know...someone had snapped you up."

Liruliniel raised an eyebrow, "Do I look like marriage material?"

Thalion laughed, Liruliniel rolled her eyes. She wasn't taking the laughter to heart, Thalion put a hand to his chest once he calmed himself down. "You're here on business then, I take it?"

"I am a messenger. The message has been delivered and now I would very much like to spend some time with my brother."

Thalion narrowed his eyes, placing an arm around her back, he nudged her forwards. "That sounds suspicious. What's happened?"

"Nothing," Liruliniel answered too quickly, Thalion looked at her with a frown. Now he really was suspicious. Liruliniel sighed, "I met the young son of our mutual friend." Thalion pulled a face, now he was following. "How come I never got told? You're not keeping any secret children, are you?"

"As if!" Thalion laughed loudly, he didn't have a partner, let alone children. It wasn't that he didn't like children, or want them, but he hadn't found the right person to settle with. Sighing, he ran a hand down his face tiredly. Liruliniel just looked at him as he directed their path to their quarters. No one else had moved in once Liruliniel moved out, and Thalion did frequent staying there when she was gone; just to feel like he was close to his sister somehow.

"Thalion...have I missed out on something here? Because I feel very confused. Something isn't right," Liruliniel looked up at her brother, wanting answers and all she got in return was a sigh. This concerned her more so. Yet, she followed him inside the small space when he opened the door.

"You know how you always said something was coming? You found that spider's egg, remember? Things escalated since then. They've been spotted not too far beyond our borders. We're having to guard ourselves more now than ever. Patrols go out, but there's only so much we can do."

"And that's got to do with me not being told my friend had a son because..." Liruliniel sat down and took to unclasping the buckles which kept her gauntlets on. She placed them on the table beside her and glanced back to Thalion. He paused in lighting the fire and turned to look back at her, Liruliniel just leaned back with a sigh. "What?" She asked, "I knew this information already. I saw it before it even happened, what you tell me is no shock. What I want to know is what is wrong with everyone?"

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