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To say that Legolas was pleased with the return of his father may have been an understatement; he had acted in his place, the best he could only, there were certain members on the council which sent somewhat backhanded comments his way. Most of these comments boiled down to the fact that really, as yet, Legolas did not hold any power here. Yes, he was prince, but his activities within the kingdom revolved around making sure that their borders were safe from any breeches. He was a guard, but also a young one who according to some would not know what was best for everyone within the kingdom.

In all honesty, his father was more than welcome to have the responsibility back, Legolas had quickly learned that that whole thing; the routine, the heavy responsibilities of actions and consequences rendered from said actions was too much. In a way, he had learned something about himself, and that was that as harsh as it may be, he didn't have an interest in ruling. He was aware that one day he may have to step up to that role, but as yet, no. For one he didn't feel ready, but also he definitely knew his father was nowhere near ready to give in and relinquish. Not that Thranduil was power mad, but he was still very competent and able.

Shaking his head, Legolas came out of his thoughts and greeted the returning troupe. They looked tired, not physically but Liruliniel's eyes for one showed she was utterly drained; the others were a similar, no matter how much they tried to hide it. Legolas, like all elves, had very keen sight and could see the smallest details, the trip to Erebor had not gone well, and he didn't even need to be told anything to learn that truth.

Before he even had a chance to speak to his father, Baramaethor was there, the elder practically cut in before he had the chance. Liruliniel frowned his way and watched as Thranduil got more or less led away, she clicked her tongue and looked somewhat peeved off. The guards which had accompanied them dispersed around them and Legolas was soon left with Liruliniel as company. She looked displeased, she shook her head and placed what belongings which weren't being carried by others down. She walked up to him, she opened her arms and placed them around his shoulders. Being taller than her, Legolas got pulled downwards. His chin rested against her shoulder and his blue eyes just stared back towards the gates which were being pulled shut.

Liruliniel soon let him go, she stepped back and looked at him with a warm, but tired smile. "Let me guess, you wanted to tell your father all the goings on before someone else had the chance? Legolas, I do not believe you have done a too bad of a job. After all, the palace is still standing!" She laughed, trying to lighten the moment. When they had first announced they were going away, Legolas hadn't exactly been called in to take temporary charge of anything. He hadn't outwardly been offended, but it had irked him a little, did his father not trust him? But really, he soon realised that actually, he was too young to properly discern what to do.

Things hadn't gone wrong, and they were only away for a few days, but even still...Legolas sighed, he turned on his heels and helped her with the small trunk she was carrying. Liruliniel sent him a thankful smile, he didn't need to do that. "I cannot help but think that a bad picture will be painted of me."

Liruliniel laughed, quite loudly at that which had Legolas shooting a narrow eyed look her way. "I am sorry, little leaf...honestly, Lord Baramaethor paints a bad picture of everyone! I do believe that there has only been one time where he was not sending snide comments my way; and that was only because I was nearly fainting on a forest floor!" Liruliniel waved a hand, as if that was going to dispel the laughter. That was the one time she could think of where they coexisted without problems, when she first came over with suffering side effects of the oncoming visions. "Legolas, your father knows what he is like. At the end of the day, he will always side with you. Do not ever doubt that, or think otherwise. Yes, sure, he may ask you for your side, but do you honestly think your father, keep in mind what he is like, will not come out with something witty and sarcastic about Lord Baramaethor? Because I think he will. The old elf means well, but he is too strict, and too...well, he's annoying quite frankly. But as I said, the palace still stands, you're in one piece, so everything has gone fine."

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