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Had it always been this quiet? This seemingly never ending silence which enveloped the space within a shroud, muffling nearly any sound as soon as it appeared; it was unnerving as it was unnatural. Thranduil had never truly noticed it before, or perhaps he had but chose to not pay much mind, always he had someone around occupying the silence, that someone now being gone. And Thranduil was unaware as to what Liruliniel was doing right at this moment. He was utterly in the dark and it was something he had often disliked, especially when it came to her. So often she spent so much time in her own head, the sharing moments she had allowed him in and he, would say he was surprised, but he wasn't to come to learn that she had not returned.

The orcs had attacked, the prisoners had escaped and Liruliniel along with them. He should've seen that one coming a mile off, but somehow decided to play ignorant; like she would go, she wouldn't because of the foreseen dangers along the way. No, apparently not because she went anyway and it left him numb, not numb but sudden solitude had created a vacuum from which he felt himself disjointed from what was truly happening. He wasn't that ignorant, the orc's words still rung in his head and Thranduil wasn't one to look the other way when someone was being so forthcoming. So a war was coming, another one, one which Liruliniel had been privy to and briefly mentioned and then no more. Somehow he could feel himself being pulled against a tide, that he did not and could not fight against.

The corridors were quiet as he strolled down them, the torches flickering and spitting as the flames danced about within the iron worked holders. He had never truly noticed how silent their home was, a very disturbing silence indeed. He was alone. Undoubtedly, and somehow, within a home of thousands, Thranduil felt rather alone. The feeling did not dissipate only grew when he came to realise that his son had gone out, after he had ordered the gates to be shut. Thranduil did not understand, and it took a guard saying that Tauriel was out there for him to understand.

Rather like Liruliniel, within this moment Legolas was led by his heart and fondness for someone who, quite frankly, did not wholly deserve his affections. Tauriel, an elf that Thranduil had witnessed grow alongside his son, get trained with him, by Liruliniel, and the three thus soon working brilliantly as a unit. Did he think they'd all cross paths out there? Of course. Legolas was drawn to Tauriel, and Tauriel was being drawn to apparently the right thing, and Liruliniel, in ever truly Liruliniel fashion was being drawn to her wishes of helping and maybe encouraging the younger elves in whatever they wished. Of course somehow along the line they would find each other, Thranduil knew that much and it should've filled him with some peace, it did not. Still didn't solve the fact that three of the elves he was most closest to, were out there and he was still here, unable to aid because of being torn.

He had never been parted from his son, not like this and the turmoil in his heart was only accentuated by the distance which Liruliniel now left in her wake. He was being pulled, naturally and against his will into actions he did not wish to take part in. If orcs were planning a fight, a war, especially against those idiot dwarves in the Mountain, they would surely trudge through his lands first. And Thranduil was not having that. By all means, wage the petty fight against the dwarves, but they need not think they would cross without problems upon entering his homeland. Once out of Mirkwood, it was of little worry to him.

Looking up when he spotted a familiar figure, Thranduil moved onwards. Caladhiel looked surprised, but with a soft smile she tilted her head and rolled her eyes. "She has caused problems for you again, I take it?"

Not the words he was expecting and Thranduil tensed a little, he was never wary of Caladhiel, but she was a sharp one. "She is no longer here." Thranduil replied, he could all but see the damaging effect his words had on her. The smile went, her face turned blank and she looked around before gesturing a hand. She was near her home, and honestly, this was perhaps the first time he had been within the humble settings of those who lived away from his own quarters. Other than when he had been within Liruliniel's old home, the settings and surroundings were very similar.

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