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"Did you know there is a dragon out there in the world somewhere?" Not exactly the question Thranduil thought he'd ever hear. Though the mere mention of a dragon had him tensing and looking too Liruliniel. "It wasn't just spiders I saw, in the Lady's mirrored bowl. I saw a dragon." Liruliniel explained, Thranduil still looked at her with an unreadable expression. He wasn't inclined to disbelieve her, most things she saw came to fruition, it was utterly daunting at times. Even though, her sight could be used as an advantage, he supposed. What advantage could foreseeing a dragon do for them, or him? Maybe if it came near, he presumed then they could perhaps avoid it. Not that he was inclined to believe his kin would want to move again. They'd already done so too many times while underneath the rule of his father, he could imagine he'd face many a refusal...but if it came at the cost of their lives and safety, surely they'd see sense?

The pair had lapsed into silence, Thranduil could see her wanting eyes flit every so often to her food and he just looked at her plainly, she smiled and any conversation was dropped until she had had her fill. His thoughts of her not eating all she had collected was so wrong, she practically inhaled the food and looked at him with an achieved expression afterwards; as if she was smug to prove him wrong that she didn't just pick and prod at meals. It seemed though, he believed that once she had finished eating, she'd wish to go and see those which she hadn't had greetings with yet. But no, here she sat, still opting to talk to him and he was all the more welcoming of it.

"When I say saw, I really mean glimpses. But it seemed very big, bigger than the drake we faced."

"Did it appear to come near us?" Thranduil's first priority was to find out if the creature ventured here, if her answer was a yes, he didn't know what to put into action. Spiders looked increasingly easy to deal with in contrast to a dragon.

Liruliniel shook her head, her hand reaching for her glass. Her other hand reached across for the bottle near him, pouring wine in, her eyes simply watched the red liquid settle in the crystal chalice in her hands. "It was dark. But no, I do not believe so." She didn't recall seeing trees, she didn't recall seeing much of anything other than fire.

"You have bad timing," Thranduil said, earning her to shift in her seat and look at him with a confused expression. "We are meant to be celebrating, and here you are telling me of the horrible things you have spied."

"May I say, you firstly asked. I just continued, because I am honest like that." Liruliniel said in a chuffed tone while sipping her drink. "But fine, fine I shall say no more. I shall, in fact, take your words and go and celebrate. I will see you later, sire." Liruliniel said while quietly pushing her chair back, half full glass in hand and inclining her head at him, she turned and walked away. She did not miss the look on his face as she did so though. Thranduil looked at her with a slightly yearning expression, he may intend to sit here all evening until calling it a night to get some rest; but she however, had other intentions. She'd love nothing more than to stay beside him all night, but she did wish to say hello to some.

Caladhiel for one looked utterly startled by her suddenly appearing at her table. Liruliniel just sat down amongst the others with a small smile on her face. She was utterly casual, as if nothing had transpired and they hadn't all just found out that she was some long lost member of a royal family that was believed to have practically died out. Liruliniel sipped slowly at her glass, Caladhiel sighed and shook her head. She could see the cheeky smile which was slowly creeping onto the younger elf's face. She couldn't help but despair slightly, with a shake of her head, she turned in her chair and watched Liruliniel place her glass down before openly accepting the embrace which Caladhiel sent her way.

"You know how to make an entrance, don't you? And here we all thought that the celebrations would be the usual, but we surely must celebrate this news too? How do you feel?" Caladhiel asked while pulling back, in her usual motherly way she looked her over, checking she was all in tact though Liruliniel wasn't sure why she wouldn't be. It was good to see she still spoke the same and acted it around her too. Liruliniel didn't want others to tiptoe and tread on eggshells. She wasn't fragile, and she wasn't so sensitive that if one wrong thing was said to her, she'd breakdown.

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