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It was safe to say that when it came to a response for the letter, neither Thranduil or Liruliniel were expecting a literal response in the form of a guide. Liruliniel for one was utterly miffed, she knew where to go. Lothlórien wasn't exactly hard to miss, whether she could venture in to find where she actually needed to go was something else entirely. But she was sure she could do it herself, Thranduil wasn't wise to this, he didn't know that she just planned to go it alone and Liruliniel was going to leave it as that.

Seems the whole thing had been taken out of their hands because several days later, an elf from Lórien had appeared. Silvery blonde hair, not as bright as Thranduil's in Liruliniel's eyes - not that she was being biased, - but he stood clad in silver and grey armour with a red cape around his shoulders. Even as she stood there utterly baffled by him being here, she could see the weapons strapped to his person. He wasn't alone, two others were with him looking similar, too similar. Liruliniel narrowed her eyes a fraction, they were brothers perhaps?

"This is most unexpected," Thranduil spoke from up high on his throne, the elf's blue eyes trailed upwards and a polite smile appeared on his face. The other two looked on, but didn't seem as responsive. Liruliniel stood to the side of the stairs with her head tilted a little, it seemed two of the three didn't understand the common tongue. "We were awaiting a reply, a letter. But instead you arrive, Marchwarden. I did not think as a Warden of Lórien, you would've been permitted leave." Thranduil spoke, questionably as he narrowed his eyes downwards at the three. It wasn't that he wasn't welcoming of strangers, this could be questioned, but he was confused.

He had been taken usual council, for once in the throne room instead of that poky room in the recesses of the palace. Liruliniel had been present, much to Baramaethor's displeasure; for a change they hadn't squabbled and the topic of conversations while talking was civil. It seemed the pair had reached an impasse. Baramaethor wasn't going to apologise, and Liruliniel had nothing to apologise for. But after a small while a guard had come marching into the room. Of course those present had been confused, even more so when the guard had said a messenger from Lothlórien was on their doorstep asking for entry and an audience with the king.

Those present had been discharged, all but Liruliniel who looked both curious and a bit terrified. Thranduil had remained seated, casually so up there as he just looked down at her fretting away. He had tried to calm her with words, or even a look sent her way; but no, she was worrying. They both knew she'd be leaving, again. It was an eventuality that it would happen. Neither of them could plainly tell Galadriel that the granddaughter of Celebrimbor was alive, and not expect her to react. Even more so considering the pair were cousins in a way, which really would mean Liruliniel was related to the Lady of Lórien.

Regardless, Thranduil allowed them entry, Liruliniel had stood near the stairs and remained so. Even though when her back was to him, he could see her forever twiddling her fingers together nervously. "We live in a time of peace, at the moment." The elf at the forefront said, Thranduil's eyes slid up and away from Liruliniel's worrying form to him.

"Quite," he replied simply and stoically. Yes, a time of peace at so much cost.

"There is not such a need to patrol our borders, unlike in the past. A time will come again, no doubt that we will. But considering the circumstances, we were allowed to come and accompany our guest back there."

Liruliniel swallowed, more like gulped and she was sure everyone heard as she nervously smiled. "That is most kind, but I am certain I could've done it alone."

The elf tilted his head ever so slightly, "With all consideration, we would not have been allowed such a thing to happen."

Liruliniel looked over her shoulder at Thranduil with an odd look. He just looked at her and then back at the trio. "Liruliniel would've been capable to find her way."

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